A zebu (/ˈziːˌbjuː/, /ˈziːbuː/ or /ˈzeɪbuː/; Bos primigenius indicus or Bos indicus or Bos taurus indicus), sometimes known as indicine cattle, humped cattle or Brahman, is a species or sub-species of domestic cattle originating in South Asia. Zebu are characterised by a fatty hump on their shoulders, a large dewlap and sometimes drooping ears. They are well adapted to withstanding high temperatures, and are farmed throughout the tropical countries, both as pure zebu and as hybrids with taurine cattle, the other main type of domestic cattle. Zebu are used as draught oxen, as dairy cattle and as beef cattle, as well as for byproducts such as hides and dung for fuel and manure. In 1999, researchers at Texas A&M University successfully cloned a zebu.
The scientific name of zebu cattle was originally Bos indicus, but they are now more commonly classified within the species Bos taurus as Bos taurus indicus, together with taurine cattle (Bos taurus taurus) and the ancestor of both of them, the extinct aurochs (Bos taurus primigenius). Taurine ("European") cattle are descended from the Eurasian subspecies, while zebu are descended from the Indian subspecies. "Zebu" may be either singular or plural, but "zebus" is also an acceptable plural form. The Spanish name, "cebu" or "cebú", is also present in a few English works.
Zebu is a historic tall ship based in Liverpool. She is owned by Mersey Heritage Trust.
The historic tall ship is owned by Mersey Heritage Trust. The wooden sailing ship was built in 1938. It was a former Baltic trader vessel. It is based in Liverpool.
In August 2013 the ship listed to port, with no-one aboard, and was subsequently stabalised.
Zebu sank at her moorings near to the Pumphouse Pub on 4 September 2015. Work to raise her started on Friday 25th September 2015, and finished on Tuesday 29th September 2015, by salvage teams from Hughes Sub-Surface Engineering, Waterwitch Engineering and Carmet Tug Company. Three days after Zebu was refloated, she was towed from outside of Tate Liverpool to Canning Dock, near to the Merseyside Maritime Museum. As of 16 October, the cause of her sinking was unknown. The ship will be repaired.
Zebu may refer to:
You may not care but don't be naive
Well take The best The positive aspect
Have some friends and a punkska band
I guess that's The key to your sobriety
Even if you're a pervert use your head
Before you date this girl, you better sure you've bled
It's o.k. you'll do some mistakes
Like Ace Ventura with Snowflakes
Life is like diskathing
And someday you'll have a lovely wife
You'll do like O.J. and kill her with a knife
You'll obey to your bastard dog
Live across The street from a big fat slob
You will be a fucking statistic
Another man without a diploma
But after all you'll be happy
Cause you know man, this is The key
Ba-ba-ba, ba-Barbara ann!!! [x3]