Zathras is the name (see below for more information) of each a group of characters in the science fiction television series Babylon 5, all portrayed by Tim Choate. There were ten of these characters who appeared on several episodes throughout the series. The name of Zathras' species and homeworld were never revealed; in "War Without End", Zathras is seen living on Epsilon III and helping take care of the Great Machine with one other member of his race, although there is no evidence that this is their actual homeworld.
The oldest Zathras is the oldest living (110 years old) caretaker of the Great Machine, in the service of the mysterious and messianic "The One" when first appearing.
A slightly shaggy, slightly hunchbacked humanoid, Zathras is prone to deadpan delivery of somewhat cryptic, somewhat humorous, generally self-pitying statements such as "Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other people's needs. Very sad life. Probably have very sad death. But, at least there is symmetry." or "No one, ever listens to poor Zathras no, he's quite mad they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind, has even grown to like it." These speech patterns were patterned after J. Michael Straczynski's Polish-born grandmother's uneasy grasp of English.
talk to myself more
figure out exactly what went wrong
and you'll be yourself
tell me how much there that i'm just myself
could be lying
and i would never know
i'm sorry i just can't pull that off
i'm not
really just fit just fine
i'm not as beautiful as you
maybe you can play guitar
maybe you could be my wife
maybe you could always show up on time
really doesn't seem like
you're not what i'm waiting for
oh god, this is just so retarded
'cause i'll probably change my mind.
someday i know things have to get better.
someday i know things have to get better.
someday i know things have to get better.
i'm just
met this girl
in some band and she was rocking out like _
'cause she's a rock star
i'm not lying
did you think _
she won't talk to me