
Zantedeschia /ˌzæntˈdɛskiə/ is a genus of eight species of herbaceous perennial flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to southern Africa from South Africa north to Malawi. The genus has been introduced on all continents except Antarctica. Common names include arum lily for Z. aethiopica, calla, and calla lily for Z. elliottiana and Z. rehmannii although it is neither a true lily (Liliaceae), nor an Arum or a Calla (related genera in Araceae). The colourful flowers and leaves are highly valued, and both species and cultivars are widely used as ornamental plants.


Zantedeschia species are rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plants with some species (Zantedeschia aethiopica) growing to 1.2m tall, while Zantedeschia rehmannii does not exceed 60 cm in height, growing in clumps or clusters.
Roots: Contractile, emerging from the top of the tubers in Group II.
Stem: The underground portion is variously described as a thick underground stem (rhizomes or tubers). While the literature is confusing as to the exact terminology, generally the Zantedeschia aethiopica-Zantedeschia odorata group (Group I) is referred to as having rhizomes, and the remaining species tubers. The rhizomes are fleshy and branched.

