C�lera matou mais de 300 pessoas em Angola Correio da Manhã Mais de 300 pessoas morreram v�timas da c�lera em Angola desde 7 de janeiro, num total de 8.141 casos em 14 prov�ncias, anunciou o Minist�rio da Sa�de. | Segundo o �ltimo boletim epidemiol�gico referente a 20 de mar�o, o pa�s registou 191 novos casos...
South of Midnight's heroine isn't much of a hero at all, because its devs thought ... Games Radar The developers behind action-adventure game South of Midnight said they thought it was important that their hero wasn't a 'Chosen One' - because sometimes you just need someone to listen to your problems. | In an interview for the Future Games Show S...
Stephen Jessel obituary The Guardian BBC correspondent who reported on the Iranian revolution, Olof Palme’s assassination and Mobutu’s last days in Zaire | “Incandescent with rage”, was a recurring self-description by Stephen Jessel, the former BBC foreign correspondent, as he e...
Uganda da el alta médica a los últimos dos pacientes con ébola del país - ... ABC Digital Kampala, 20 mar (EFE).- Uganda, que detectó 14 casos de ébola (12 confirmados y dos probables) desde el pasado enero, incluidos cuatros muertos (dos confirmados y dos probables), dio el alta médica a los últimos dos pacientes infectados, un prime...
All-state basketball teams announced; All-Metro baseball starts Tuesday Albuquerque Journal The all-state high school basketball teams for the 2024-25 season have been announced. The Class 5A boys first team, as selected by the New Mexico High School Coaches Association, is topped by Volcano Vista senior forward Kenyon Aguino. | Two members...
Champaign shooting victim succumbs to injuries The News-Gazette Anthony Miller, who'd been listed in stable condition following surgery Sunday, succumbed to his injuries at 5:15 p.m. Monday. The case against Zaire Herman has been reclassified as a homicide, CPD said. ... ...
Una pastilla cura a monos infectados con �bola Washington Hispanic Los monos infectados con �bola pueden curarse con una pastilla, seg�n un estudio publicado el viernes que podr�a allanar el camino para nuevos tratamientos en humanos. | Identificado en 1976, el �bola es una enfermedad viral mortal que se propaga a t...