Zadok (Hebrew: Tsadoq צדוק, meaning "Righteous") was a priest, descended from Eleazar the son of Aaron (1 Chron 6:4-8). He aided King David during the revolt of his son Absalom and was subsequently instrumental in bringing King Solomon to the throne. After Solomon's building of The First Temple in Jerusalem, Zadok was the first High Priest to serve there.
The prophet Ezekiel extols the sons of Zadok as staunch opponents of paganism during the era of its pagan worship and indicates their birthright to unique duties and privileges in the future temple (Ezekiel 42:13, 43:19).
The Bible states that Zadok was a patrilineal descendant of Eleazar the son of Aaron the high priest.(2 Samuel 8:17; 1 Chronicles 24:3) The lineage of Zadok is presented in the genealogy of Ezra (his descendant) as being of ninth generation of direct patrilineal descent from Phineas the son of Eleazar; Ezra 7:1, see 1 Chronicles 5:30 where he is placed ninth in descent from Phineas.
In chronological order, Zadok is first mentioned as coming to support David at Hebron. During the rebellion of Absalom, Zadok is mentioned, as he and the Levites wished to accompany the fleeing David and bring along the Ark of the Covenant, but the king instructed them to remain at Jerusalem, where they could do him better service, so that it actually happened that Ahimaaz, the son of Zadok, along with Jonathan, the son of Abiathar, brought the fleeing king a life saving message. In all these passages Zadok is mentioned in precedence to Abiathar.
Rabbi Zadok (Hebrew: רבי צדוק) was a Tanna of the second generation of the Tannaic era, a contemporary of Joshua ben Hananiah and Eliezer ben Hurcanus, descending from Tribe of Benjamin.
Rabbi Zadok was one of the notable Tannaim of his generation, and his opinion on many matters is often cited in the Talmud.
Forty years before the destruction of the Second Temple, he observed fasts in order that Jerusalem might not be destroyed, and would eat only at night, and when the Romans encircled Jerusalem in order to destroy it, rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai had only three requests from Vespasian, and one of them was to give him medicine measures to heal Rabbi Zadok. The Mishnah in tractate Gittin elaborates on the ways Rabbi Zadok was healed.
Zadok was a high priest of the Israelites in Jerusalem after it was conquered by David.
Zadok may also refer to:
The first time I saw you standing in the water
You must have been all of a thousand feet tall
Nearly naked - unashamed like Herod's daughter
Your love was so big
It made New York look small
You've been the subject of so many dreams
Since I climbed your torso
My statue of Liberty
Boo Boo
Impaled on your hair
What do you do
Do Do to me
Boo Boo
I leaned right over to kiss your stoney book
A little jealous of the ships with whom you flirt
A billion lovers with their cameras
Snap to look and in my fantasy