Yury Krymov (Russian:Ю́рий Кры́мов) is the pen name of SovietnovelistYury Solomonovich Beklemishev (Ю́рий Соломо́нович Беклеми́шев; 19 January 1908 – 20 September 1941). The variants Yuri Krimov and Iurii Krymov are common transliterations.
Beklemishev was born in Saint Petersburg in the Russian Empire. His birth date is 6 January in the Julian calendar used by the Empire, or 19 January in the Gregorian calendar used by other countries at the time and later adopted by the USSR. Beklemishev 's father, Solomon Yuryevich Kopelman, was an editor at the Brier publishing firm. However, Yuri took the surname of his mother, Vera Yvgenyevna Beklemisheva.