Young Republicans
The Young Republicans is an organization for members of the Republican Party of the United States between the ages of 18 and 40. It has both a national organization and chapters in individual states.
Young Republican Clubs are both social and political in nature. Many of them sponsor various social events and networking events for members. In addition, Young Republican Clubs assist Republican political candidates and causes.
The oldest Young Republican club in the country is the New York Young Republican Club, Inc. in New York City which was founded in April 1911 and incorporated in February 19, 1912. (There are two New York Young Republican Club, Inc. groups, one of which holds the incorporation papers and trademark on the logo and one of which does not.)
Although frequently confused, the YRNF operates independently from the College Republican National Committee.
Although Young Republican organizations existed as early as 1859, the Young Republican National Federation was formed by George H. Olmsted at the urging of Herbert Hoover. The YRNF was officially founded in 1931.