Young Justice (dubbed Young Justice: Invasion for the second season of the series) is an American animated television series created by Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman for Cartoon Network. Despite its title, it is not a direct adaptation of Peter David, Todd Dezago and Todd Nauck's Young Justice comic series, but rather an adaptation of the entire DC Universe with a focus on young superheroes. The series follows the lives of teenaged heroes and sidekicks who are members of a fictional covert operation group called The Team. The Team is essentially a young counterpart to the famous adult team, the Justice League. The main setting is a fictional universe apart from the previous DCAU and other continuities (designated at one point as Earth-16,) during a time period in which superheroes are a relatively recent phenomenon. The series debuted with an hour-long special on November 26, 2010 with the airing of the first two episodes, "Independence Day" and "Fireworks".Young Justice premiered on September 9, 2011 on Teletoon, in Canada. The series ended alongside fellow DC Nation show Green Lantern: The Animated Series after its second season came to an abrupt conclusion during spring 2013.
Young Justice is a fictional DC Comics superhero team consisting of teenaged heroes. The team first appeared in Young Justice: The Secret (June 1998) before graduating to their ongoing monthly series. Artist Todd Nauck and Lary Stucker illustrated almost all of the comics featuring the group; Todd DeZago wrote their early adventures, and their ongoing series was written almost entirely by Peter David.
The team was formed at a time when DC's usual teen hero group, the Teen Titans, had become adults and changed their name to the Titans. Like the original Teen Titans, Young Justice was centered on three previously established teen heroes: Superboy, Robin and Impulse, but grew to encompass most teenaged heroes in the DC Universe.
In the 2003 mini-series Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day, both groups disbanded and members of each formed two new teams of Teen Titans and Outsiders.
Robin, Superboy, and Impulse first join together in a one-shot, part of the "GirlFrenzy" Fifth week event, called Young Justice: The Secret, written by Todd DeZago, where they first encounter the mysterious superheroine Secret and free her from captivity of the DEO (Department of Extranormal Operations). They next appear together in the Justice League miniseries, World Without Grown-Ups, also written by DeZago, in which a magical being, commanded by new child villain Bedlam, moves all adults to an alternate world. This is when they first stumble upon the abandoned Justice League Cave in Happy Harbor (formerly called "The Secret Sanctuary"), which would later become their headquarters, re-christened the "Justice Cave." After managing to thwart Bedlam's adolescent paradise, the three boys agree that they were effective as a team and should officially band together as their own group.
The following is a list of Wu-Tang Clan associated acts, known as Killa Beez and Wu Fam. They are at times directly funded, supported, or produced by Clan members, are formed as extension groups originating from Clan members, or close to The Clan. The list is ever growing, but there remains a basis of sound and content musically common amongst the vast majority.
A.I.G. is a duo composed of Allah Wise (aka The Wizard), and Darkim Be Allah. The group, whose name stands for "Allah Is God", debuted on the Wu-Tang Killa Bees: The Swarm compilation with the track "Bronx War Stories". An album titled Retaliation Strike was completed but was never released, a situation which eventually caused the group to leave the Wu-Tang stable and pursue an independent route, though they remain on good terms with the collective. They finally released their debut Fame Labs Presents in 2005. Stefano and Mike joined the group in 2011 as interns, but quickly escalated to the top with songs accounting for their daily trials and tribulations as interns. In 2012, Stefano and Mike were formally offered to continue their careers at A.I.G. on a full-time basis.
Young Justice is a fictional DC Comics superhero team.
Young Justice may also refer to: