Yerba mate (from Spanish [ˈʝerβa ˈmate]; Portuguese: erva-mate [ˈɛɾvɐ ˈmate] or [ˈɛɾvɐ ˈmatʃɪ]) is a species of the holly family (Aquifoliaceae), with the botanical name Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil. named by the French botanist Auguste François César Prouvençal de Saint-Hilaire.
Yerba mate is widely known as the source of the beverage called mate (Portuguese: chimarrão, tererê/tereré and other variations). It is traditionally consumed in central and southern regions of South America, particularly Argentina, Bolivia, southern and center-western Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and southern Chile. It is also very popular in Syria where it is imported from Argentina. Yerba mate was initially utilized and cultivated by the Guaraní people and in some Tupí communities in southern Brazil, prior to European colonization. It was scientifically classified by the Swiss botanist Moses Bertoni, who settled in Paraguay in 1895. Yerba mate can also be found in various energy drinks on the market today.
Mala or Malla (different from the family/last name Malla from Andhra) is a social group or caste mostly from the south Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Mala is derived from the Sanskrit malla, which means wrestler. Mala groups are considered as Scheduled Castes by the Government of India.
According to Government of India census data from 2001, Malas constitute a total of 41.6 percent (5,139,305) of the scheduled caste population of the state. They are largely concentrated in the Coastal Andhra region. During the Adi-Andhra movement of the 1930s, several Mala caste people, including few Madigas, especially from coastal Andhra called themselves as 'Adi-Andhra' and were recorded in the census with the 'Adi-Andhra' caste name akin to Adi Dravida of Tamil Nadu. (Adi-Andhra is synonym word instead of using MALA or MADIGA. In the ancient times, Malas were mostly village watchmen,domestic laborers etc., They were skilled workers too and were also recruited by the British Army because of their martial skills. Presently they don't have a specific caste profession and can be seen in many professions.It is directly the skill set which was identified by the upper caste people and segregation thereof. As such, Malas do not have any caste profession where the entire Indian castes were based on profession they have chosen to be associated with. Like kamma community who originally are farm workers, soldiers who are very much known for their bravery 'Padma saali' caste are the only people who are weavers. Malas have chosen to take up the profession of other castes which was at their reach.
Naseem Nazli (Urdu: مالا; November 9, 1939 – March 6, 1990), popularly called Mala, was a Pakistani playback singer of Urdu and Punjabi films. In the 1960s, Mala was a 'hit pair for singing duet film songs' with famous playback singer Ahmed Rushdi and they gave numerous hits to Pakistan film industry. She sang many super hit songs in almost two decades of her singing career in the 1960s and 1970s. Mala's career suffered with the arrival of Runa Laila in the film industry.
Mala's given name was Naseem Nazli. She was born in Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. She was the younger sister of music composer Shamim Nazli. Mala was interested in singing and music from a young age. Fortunately, her elder sister happened to be her first music teacher and Naseem learned the essentials of music from her. On Shamim Nazli's request, music composer, Baba Ghulam Ahmed Chishti recorded two songs for the Punjabi film Aabroo (1961) in Mala's voice. However, the film flopped. Despite the fact that her elder sister got her a break in films, it was Anwar Kamal Pasha who persuaded Naseem to try her luck and not give up in the Pakistani film industry. Her first major break in films came in 1962. She changed her name to Mala and sang a simple Urdu composition, Aaya re dekho for the film Sooraj Mukhi (1962). The music was composed by Master Abdullah and the film went on to become a memorable film. In 1963, Mala rendered her voice to a tragic Urdu composition, Dil daeta hai ro ro duhai,Kisi sey koi pyaar na karey for the film Ishq Par Zor Nahin (1963). The music was composed by Master Inayat Hussain and the song was picturised on Yasmin and this film song ended up being a mega-hit of 1963.Film song lyrics were written by Qateel Shifai.
Mala sauce is a popular oily, spicy, and numbing Chinese sauce which consists of Sichuanese peppercorn, chili pepper and various spices simmered with oil.
Regarded as a regional dish for Chongqing cuisine and Sichuan cuisine, it has become one of the most popular sauces in Chinese cuisine and spawned many regional variants.
The term málà is a combination of two Chinese characters: "numbing" (麻) and "spicy (hot)" (辣), referring to the feeling in the mouth after eating the sauce.
The numbness is caused by Sichuan pepper, which contains 3% hydroxy-alpha-sanshool. The recipe often uses dried red peppers that are less spicy than bird's eye chili, which is widely used in Southeast Asian cuisines.
The precise origins of the dish are unclear, but many sources attribute its development to night markets in Chongqing that targeted pier workers in the 19th to 20th century. The strong flavour and thick layer of oil helps preserve foods and removes the unpopular smells of the cheap foods, such as solidified blood, beef stomach and kidney, which were usually served to pier workers.
Yerba Mala cogio sus metales saliendo es su lexus pa' la patronales
a ver si veia a los tipos que habian robao' en su punto
los busco por las grandes ciudades y cuando se acercaban las navidades
los pudo mandar caminando en la calle a toditos juntos
Y de lejos se oyeron tiros saliendo de la 9 y la 30-30
yerba mala pudo lograr que la muerte les callera como tormenta
y un niñito que lo vio todo corrio para esconderse en una tienda
yerba mala se fue a cubrir en la 5ta enmiendaaaaa
El niñito crecio poco a poco y se fue involucrando en ese
mundo loco donde las esquinas apestan a plomo y los cuerpos
a sangre...
Le metieron dentro e' la cabeza los que trabajaban encima
de la mesa, que para montarse siempre se empieza conociendo
al grande
Y aquel niñito que ya era un hombre no para hasta encontrarse
una buena paga, y ese fue lo mejor que hizo pa' poder
reencontrarse con yerba mala, yerba mala le dijo pasa
y sientate conmigo aqui en mi sala, y le entro una 45 con
muchas balaaaaaas
Con el arma el jovencito a yerba mala confronto, y gritando le pregunto
que si se acordaba, de la masacre que cuando niño en su
propio barrio organizo... Y que su padre entre las victimas se
Y apuntando le disparo
Y yerba mala al piso callo (se murio)
Su pecado no confeso, y su alma no se salvo
como podria imaginar que el jovencito le iba a tirar
el mismo dia que le daria la confianza pa' trabajar...
El muchacho de ahi salio (se fugo)
Y con el punto se quedo (lo cogio)
y todo el mundo lo respeto, al saber lo que sucedio (oigalo)
su bandera vino a plantar y quien lo iba a criticar
Si los que matan son los que viven y el que esta muerto
se va a enterrar...
Yerba mala ya fue olvidado, igual que los que el mismo
habia eliminado, y los planes bonitos que habia soñado estan
bajo tierra...
Y un sobrino que lo idolatraba tremenda venganza ya tiene
planeada viviendo en el cuento que nunca se acaba
y empieza otra guerra
Empieza otra guerra, ohhhh yeah
que se repite la misma cosa