Yera Allon, also known as Chameleon Girl, is a fictional character, a superheroine and Legion of Super-Heroes member in the DC Universe's 30th and 31st centuries.
In the original pre-Zero Hour continuity, veteran Legionnaire Colossal Boy (Gim Allon) was finally able to act upon his unrequited feelings for his teammate Shrinking Violet when the two apparently became a romantic couple. The relationship developed fairly quickly, and the two were soon married. The pairing was a surprise to almost everyone, as she had been previously linked with Duplicate Boy, a member of the Heroes of Lallor and one of the most powerful beings of the 30th century. When Duplicate Boy learned of the relationship, he tracked the couple down and proceeded to beat Colossal Boy mercilessly until he realized what no one else had yet deduced: the woman involved with Colossal Boy was not Shrinking Violet.
In reality, Shrinking Violet had been kidnapped by radicals from her native planet Imsk. She was replaced in the Legion by Yera, a Durlan actress who used her native shapeshifting abilities to assume Violet's identity and mimic her shrinking powers. However, Yera was an unwitting pawn in the plot, as the radicals had told her that Violet wished to go on a secret vacation. When "Violet" became involved with Colossal Boy, Legion deputy leader Element Lad and Science Police liaison Shvaughn Erin became suspicious, particularly since "Violet" was seemingly cheating on Duplicate Boy without trying to hide it. Along with Brainiac 5 and Chameleon Boy, they were able to expose Yera as an imposter, and rescue the real Violet. However, the passion between Gim and Yera was genuine, and he remained with her despite the initial deception.
Allon (a Hebrew language word meaning "oak tree") may refer to:
Alldays & Onions was an English automobile maker, it manufactured cars from 1898 to 1918. The cars were sold under the Alldays name. The company also built an early British built tractor, the Alldays General Purpose Tractor.
The Alldays & Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co. of Birmingham, was a company founded in 1889 by the merger of the long established Onions (formed by John Onions in 1650) and William Allday & Co. (formed by William Allday in 1720) engineering companies. They became known for their engineering and blacksmithing equipment. Like many such companies at the time they turned to bicycle manufacture and sold a range under the Alldays name. They also started making motorcycles in 1903 under the Alldays-Matchless name; these had no connection with the London-based Matchless company, and in 1915 presumably following representations from them, the name was changed to Allon. Manufacture of these continued until 1927.
In 1898, the company produced its first car, the Traveller, a quadricycle made in private and commercial forms, steered by a wheel. It had an unsprung rear end, power generated by a 4 hp De Dion single-cylinder motor. However, series production did not start until 1903/4 with the 7 hp model. Larger commercial vehicles of up to 5 tons were also made in the years preceding the first World War and saw service during the conflict.
Alon or Allon (Hebrew: אַלּוֹן) is an Israeli settlement organized as a communal settlement in the Binyamin Region of the West Bank. Alon is located to the east of Jerusalem, near Ma'ale Adumim, and along the edge of the Judean desert. The village has a diverse religiously observant and secular population.
Named after Yigal Allon, it was founded in 1990 by a number of area residents under the aegis of the Amana settlement organisation, it was originally considered to be part of the nearby Kfar Adumim so as to minimise opposition in an atmosphere in which the question of settlement was becoming increasingly controversial. Children study in a mixed secular/observant public-religious school in nearby Kfar Adumim, and attend highschool in Jerusalem.
The international community considers Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal under international law, but the Israeli government disputes this. According to the Palestinian NGO Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem, Alon is located on land confiscated from the Palestinian town of 'Anata.
This is our campaigne.
we will destroy fear.
and all my friends are gone.
they packed their lives and they disappered on that great big ship,
and i sank was i watched it go down.
I hear the boots marching in line
through the trenches through my mind.
we'll bury them where they fall and
remember how they faught for our last breath.
we're not coming back,
because all our friends are gone.
they crossed the line and they're one man
short of a pleasure cruise
as we sink please remember a
hero's day will come. a hero's day will come soon
i hear boots marching in line
through the trenches through my mind.
we'll bury them where they fall
and remember how they fight.
as they fall, so do we.
bury us here where we fall.
fight the good fight for all.
bury them where they fall with the mud in their eyes
and shrapnel in their mouths.
i hear the boots marching in lin
through the trenches through my mind
we'll bury them where they fall