Yenish people

The Yenish, Yeniche (French spelling), or Jenische (German spelling), are the third-largest population of nomadic people all over Europe, living mostly in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Wallonia, Luxembourg, Belgium and parts of France. They are some of the most geographically widespread in Western Europe. They often claim to be descendants of the Celtic Helvetii, but it is commonly believed that the origin of the Yenish can be attributed to members of the marginalized and poor classes of society of the early modern period and the 19th century. Features of this historic Yenish were their economic, legal and social exclusion from the majority population and a consequent permanent migration. In this regard and also in their lifestyle, they resemble the Scottish and Irish Travellers. There are about 700,000 Yenish people all over Europe, over 200.000 in Germany, 35.000 in Switzerland, 3000 in Luxembourg and the rest spread all over France, Belgium, and Austria. In the Netherlands the 'Woonwagenbewoners' are a small community of travelling families related to the Yenish people. In Romania the Yenish are known as 'deitsche Zigeiner' which means 'German Gypsies'. In Pennsylvania there are Yenish families with roots in Switzerland, Germany and Luxembourg. They are called Dutch Gypsies or Black Dutch.

