Russian refers to anything related to Russia, including:
Russian may also refer to:
The Russian White, Russian Black, and Russian Tabby are breeds of cat created in 1971, derived from the Russian Blue. The Black and Tabby Russians came from the original mating which created the Russian White. It is appropriate to consider their origins first.
In the UK, Frances McLeod of Arctic began breeding Russian Whites and Russian Blacks in the 1960s.
In Australia, The Russian White program started on the 4 May 1971 by Dick and Mavis Jones of Myemgay Cattery. Below is an excerpt from an article by Mavis Jones.
Russian wine refers to wine made in the Russian Federation and to some extent wines made in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics though this later referencing is an inaccurate representation of wines from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine. The phrase Russian wine more properly refers to wine made in the southern part of the Russian Federation-including the areas around Dagestan, Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria, Krasnodar Krai, Rostov, and Stavropol Krai. Russia currently has the following controlled appellations that correspond to the sorts of grapes: Sibirkovy (Сибирьковый), Tsimlyanski Cherny (Цимлянский чёрный), Plechistik (Плечистик),Narma (Нарма), and Güliabi Dagestanski (Гюляби Дагестанский).
Wild grape vines have grown around the Caspian, Black and Azov seas for thousands of years with evidence of viticulture and cultivation for trade with the Ancient Greeks found along the shores of the Black Sea at Phanagoria and Gorgippia. It is claimed that the Black Sea area is the world's oldest wine region.
Yat or jat (Ѣ ѣ; italics: Ѣ ѣ) is the thirty-second letter of the old Cyrillic alphabet, as well as the name of the sound it represented. Its name in Old Church Slavonic is jět’ (ѣть) or iat’ (ꙗть). In the common scientific Latin transliteration for old Slavic languages, the letter is represented by e with caron: ě (taken from the Czech alphabet).
There is also another version of Yat, the iotified Yat (majuscule: ⟨Ꙓ⟩, minuscule: ⟨ꙓ⟩), which is a Cyrillic character combining a Decimal I and a Yat. There was no numerical value for this letter and it was not in the Glagolitic alphabet. It was encoded in Unicode 5.1 at positions U+A652, and U+A653.
Yat represented a Common Slavic long vowel. It is generally believed to have represented the sound [æ], which was a reflex of earlier Proto-Slavic */ē/, */oj/, or */aj/. That the sound represented by yat developed late in the history of Common Slavic is indicated by its role in the Slavic second palatalization of the Slavic velar consonants. Significantly, from the earliest texts, there was considerable confusion between the yat and the Cyrillic iotified a ⟨ꙗ⟩. One explanation is that the dialect of Thessaloniki (on which the Old Church Slavic literary language was based), and other South Slavic dialects shifted from /ě/ to /ja/ independently from the Northern and Western branches.
Yaté is a commune in the South Province of New Caledonia, an overseas territory of France in the Pacific Ocean. The Yaté Dam and Blue River Provincial Park are located within the commune.
New Orleans English is a variety of American English spoken in the city of New Orleans and its metropolitan area. Native English speakers of the region actually speak a number of varieties, including: the variety most recently brought in and spreading since the 20th century among white communities of the South in general (Southern U.S. English); the variety primarily spoken by black residents (African American Vernacular English); the variety spoken by Cajuns in southern Louisiana (Cajun English); the variety traditionally spoken by affluent white residents of the city's Uptown and Garden District; and the variety traditionally spoken by lower middle- and working-class white residents of Eastern New Orleans, particularly the Ninth Ward (sometimes known, since at least the 1980s, as Yat). However, only the last two varieties are unique to New Orleans and are typically those referred to in the academic research as "New Orleans English." These two varieties specific to New Orleans likely developed around the turn of the nineteenth century and most noticeably combine speech features commonly associated with both New York City English and, to a lesser extent, Southern U.S. English. The noticeably New York-like characteristics include the NYC short-a split system (so that mad and map, for example, do not have the same vowel), the diphthongizing of /ɔː/ to [ɔə] or [ɔʷ], non-rhoticity, th-stopping (so that, for example, "those" may merge with "doze"), and the recently disappearing coil–curl merger. Noticeably Southern characteristics include the raising of /aʊ/ and possible monophthongization of /aɪ/ (just these features, plus non-rhoticity, often characterize the Uptown accent).
Hold me 'cause this life is a dream
The worst nightmare there has ever been
Well the weather is appalling and my spirit guide is calling
And the bathroom is in need of a clean
Hold me will I ever be free
From this crippling anxiety
As I wait for it to finish it will slowly just diminish
'Til it's good enough to leave me be
Hold me never let me go
There's a thousand things I want you to know
Hold me when confusion reigns
As it soaks me to the bone again
These feelings I'm feeling are here for one reason
What reason
Our reasons are the same
Hold me 'cause this life is a dream
The most beautiful emotive scene
And I couldn't help but laugh when you took the other half
Because you're punishing your self-esteem
Hold me 'cause I'm asking you to
And its not something I would normally do
*If you need another reason it's cause summer is the season
That I make my annual pass at you
Hold me never let me go
There's a thousand things I want you to know
Hold me when confusion reigns
As it soaks me to the bone again
These feelings I'm feeling are here for one reason
What reason
Our reasons are the same