Yarim-Lim I, also given as Yarimlim, (reigned c. 1780 BC – c. 1764 BC) was the second king of the ancient Amorite kingdom of Yamhad in modern-day Aleppo, Syria.
Yarim-Lim was the son and successor of the first king Sumu-Epuh and his queen Sumunna-Abi. The kingdom of Yamhad was being threatened by the Assyrian king Shamshi-Adad I who had surrounded Yamhad through his alliance with Charchemish and Urshu to the north, Qatna to the south, and conquering Mari to the east, appointing his son Yasmah-Adad on its throne. Yarim-Lim ascended the throne after his father was killed in 1780 during his campaigns against Shamshi-Adad. He was able to stand up to Shamshi-Adad by surrounding him with deft alliances with Hammurabi of Babylon and Ibal-pi-el II of Eshnunna. His alliance with Hammurabi was credited with saving Babylon from an Assyrian attack by attacking their rear.
In 1777 Yarim-Lim conquered the city of Tuttul, on the confluence of the rivers Balikh and Euphrates. He appointed his ally, Zimri-Lim, the heir to the throne of Mari who was living in exile at his court, as king. When Shamshi-Adad died in 1776, he helped Zimrilim regain his throne in Mari and oust Yasmah-Adad. The alliance between Mari and Yamhad was cemented with the royal marriage between Zimrilim and Yarim-Lim's daughter Shibtu, two days after the marriage ceremony queen Sumunna-Abi died.
Yarim is a town in the Ibb Governorate of Yemen.
It lies in the heart of the Yemen Highlands, on an upland plateau dominated by the massif of nearby Mount Sumarah, which rises to about 10,000 feet above sea level.
In antiquity, the Yarim area was the core of the Himyarite Kingdom, which ruled over much of Southern Arabia from about 115 BC to about AD 575. The Himyarite capital of Zafar was located about 9 miles south of Yarim.
Yarim was captured by the Houthis in October 2014 as part of the Houthi insurgency in Yemen. It was subsequently targeted by Operation Decisive Storm.
The name refers to the highlands on which it sits, and originates from Ar'ama (verb) which derived into Aram, A'rm, Yareem, and Maryama. It appears as villages' names in the Western mountain regions of Yemen, Asir and Syria.