A permanganate is the general name for a chemical compound containing the manganate(VII) ion, (MnO4−). Because manganese is in the +7 oxidation state, the permanganate(VII) ion is a strong oxidizing agent. The ion has tetrahedral geometry. Permanganate solutions are purple in color and are stable in neutral or slightly alkaline media.The exact chemical reaction is dependent upon the organic contaminants present and the oxidant utilized. For example, trichloroethene (C2HCl3) is oxidized by sodium permanganate to form carbon dioxide (CO2), manganese dioxide (MnO2), sodium ions (Na+), hydronium ions (H+), and chloride ions (Cl−).
In an acidic solution, permanganate(VII) is reduced to the colourless +2 oxidation state of the manganese(II) (Mn2+) ion.
In a strongly basic solution, permanganate(VII) is reduced to the green +6 oxidation state of the manganate ion, MnO42−.
In a neutral medium however, it gets reduced to the brown +4 oxidation state of manganese dioxide MnO2.
Permanganates can be produced by oxidation of manganese compounds such as manganese chloride or manganese sulfate by strong oxidizing agents, for instance, sodium hypochlorite or lead dioxide:
Manganese(IV) oxide is the inorganic compound with the formula MnO
2. This blackish or brown solid occurs naturally as the mineral pyrolusite, which is the main ore of manganese and a component of manganese nodules. The principal use for MnO2 is for dry-cell batteries, such as the alkaline battery and the zinc-carbon battery.MnO
2 is also used as a pigment and as a precursor to other manganese compounds, such as KMnO
4. It is used as a reagent in organic synthesis, for example, for the oxidation of allylic alcohols. MnO2 in the α polymorph can incorporate a variety of atoms (as well as water molecules) in the "tunnels" or "channels" between the magnesium oxide octahedra. There is considerable interest in α-MnO2 as a possible cathode for lithium ion batteries.
Several polymorphs of MnO
2 are claimed, as well as a hydrated form. Like many other dioxides, MnO
2 crystallizes in the rutile crystal structure (this polymorph is called β-MnO
2), with three-coordinate oxide and octahedral metal centres.MnO
2 is characteristically nonstoichiometric, being deficient in oxygen. The complicated solid-state chemistry of this material is relevant to the lore of "freshly prepared" MnO
2 in organic synthesis. The α-polymorph of MnO
2 has a very open structure with ``channels" which can accommodate metal atoms such as silver or barium. α-MnO2 is often called Hollandite, after a closely related mineral.
Manganese(II) oxide (systematically named manganese(2+) oxide(2−)) is an inorganic compound with chemical formula MnO. It forms green crystals. The compound is produced on a large scale as a component of fertilizers and food additives.
Like many monoxides, MnO adopts the rock salt structure, where cations and anions are both octahedrally coordinated. Also like many oxides, manganese(II) oxide is often nonstoichiometric: its composition can vary from MnO to MnO1.045.
Below 118 K MnO is antiferromagnetic. MnO has the distinction of being one of the first compounds to have its magnetic structure determined by neutron diffraction, the report appearing in 1951. This study showed that the Mn2+ ions form a face centered cubic magnetic sub-lattice where there are ferromagnetically coupled sheets that are anti-parallel with adjacent sheets.
Manganese(II) oxide undergoes the chemical reactions typical of an ionic oxide. Upon treatment with acids, it converts to the corresponding manganese(II) salt and water. Oxidation of manganese(II) oxide gives manganese(III) oxide.
[?] relate to my reunion
High school barely knew my name
Now they are [?] when that limousine
Pulled up and everything seemed cooler
[?] so long can't measure with a ruler
[?] money and balloons with the wind tips
Everybody looking at me they haven't see a thing yet
I was [?] dreaming at the prom queen but those tight jeans
Had me [?] than the concrete but she only had time for the cool guys
IQ probably low than the shoe size boyfriend was the [?]
Every day I said I fight [?] now gonna show them
She probably got fat she probably got broke
I saw a picture of a couple and their kids
And prom queens family that died in a car crash
Every time I thought I had it all figured out
Life makes me sing wow wow
Every time I thought I had it all figured out
Life makes me sing wow wow
I met a girl named [?] she is so gorgeous
[?] take her to my fortress ride her like a horse
Let me to tease her she loves it when she torture
Open her ribs at a top speed screaming out don't stop please
Now she is walking [?] years past I ain't called her told her from the front [?]
I am a true [?] already wonder on to the next one
[?] my sister brought all of her friends and I am intruding
And my momma started [?] telling me [?] come and meet your cousins
This is your aunties [?] and you are all at first her name is [?]
Every time I thought I had it all figured out
Life makes me sing wow wow
Every time I thought I had it all figured out
Life makes me sing wow wow
Ain't nothing [?] to promise that I can take you honest
[?] I got that supersize shit. if you like.
Tell your friends I could fill a [?] like a Bluetooth
[?] bring you home to momma [?] you are gonna feel it in the morning
If you let me I can stretch you like [?]
Like she wanna carry my child [?] I got to stay polite
[?] I got to play it right [?] she said the cob is already outside waiting for you
Every time I thought I had it all figured out
Life makes me sing wow wow
Every time I thought I had it all figured out