YIMBY is an acronym for Yes In My Back Yard in contrast and opposition to the NIMBY phenomenon. Some of the groups encourage the installation of clean energy sources, such as wind turbines, despite the opposition these generally face from NIMBY groups. The term was coined by Nikolai Fedak of New York YIMBY, a news website that covers construction of new buildings and infrastructure in New York City.
Nikolai Fedak founded the real estate development news website New York YIMBY in 2011, which the acronym lives through. New York YIMBY supports aggressive economic growth via urbanization, while advocating for smart growth and environmental sustainability, for New York City and its metropolitan region. The website publishes articles critiquing architecture and building usage, while providing breaking news and construction updates on notable projects, including 225 West 57th Street. Other topics discussed include transportation infrastructure and urban planning.
Did I really take her and keep her with me?
Cover her face up so she couldn't breathe?
Cut her eyeballs out so she couldn't see?
I still feel like she is looking at me.
Brought her to the basement and took off her clothes
Did I do the right thing?
God only knows!
Chorus x 4:
Maybe I was only wondering if I could open up your body
Take your heart out and consume
("God only knows!" throughout chorus)
Am I really like this? Is this really me?
Am I really the person I want to be?
Is it this life that has created me?
Am I a product of society?
Did I really eat pills cause everything's fucked?!
Can I fall asleep and just never wake up?!!
Chorus x 4:
Maybe I was only wondering if I could open up your body
Take your heart out and consume