Xquic (or Ixquic, ALMG:Xkik', sometimes glossed as "Blood Moon" or "Blood Girl/Maiden" in English) is a mythological figure known from the 16th century Quiché (K'iche') Maya manuscript Popol Vuh. She was the daughter of one of the lords of Xibalba, called Cuchumaquic, Xibalba being the Maya Underworld. Noted particularly for being the mother of the Maya Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque, she is sometimes considered to be the Maya goddess associated with the waning moon. However, there is no evidence for this in the Popol Vuh text itself.
In the account told by the Popol Vuh, Xquic went to investigate a calabash tree where the Lords of Xibalba had displayed the severed head of Hun Hunahpu, whom they had sacrificed. Upon arriving she was curious as to the strange fruit that it bore, in the shape of a skull, and the head of Hun Hunahpu instructed the maiden to reach out and take one. As she did so the skull spat upon her hand, and through this act she became pregnant with Hun Hunahpu's twin sons.
't Is lange zo slim nie meer, nou en dan, dan komp 't weer
Dan denk ik opiens an joe en ik kan der schienbar niks an doen
Want ik kan joe dan zowat heuren praoten en a'k goed kiek kan ik joe zien
't Is lange zo slim nie meer, absoluut, misschien
't Is lange nie hoe ik ben, mar ik kun der nie umhen
't Is aordig lang duuster west, ok al deu ik wel mien best
Um de wolken weg te denken um de zunne weer 's te zien
't Giet misschien wel beter zo, absoluut, misschien
Absoluut 't giet wel over, misschien duurt 't langer dan'k had dacht
En dat ha'k niet dacht
't Is lange zo slim nie meer, daor komp 't wel op neer
T'weud ok wel neudig tied, 't Is mar goed da'k beter weer
Want achter 'n schip met zoete appels ku'j 't lucht zowat nie meer zien
Mar zolfs de zwartste wolken weijen weg, absoluut, misschien
Mar zolfs de zwartste wolken weijen weg, absoluut, misschien