
Xenon-135 (135Xe) is an unstable isotope of xenon with a half-life of about 9.2 hours. 135Xe is a fission product of uranium and it is the most powerful known neutron-absorbing nuclear poison (2 million barns), with a significant effect on nuclear reactor operation. The ultimate yield of xenon-135 from fission is 6.3%, though most of this is from fission-produced tellurium-135 and iodine-135.

135Xe effects on restart

In a typical nuclear reactor fueled with uranium-235, the presence of 135Xe as a fission product presents designers and operators with problems due to its large neutron cross section for absorption. Because absorbing neutrons can detrimentally affect a nuclear reactor's ability to increase power, reactors are designed to mitigate this effect; operators are trained to properly anticipate and react to these transients.

During periods of steady state operation at a constant neutron flux level, the 135Xe concentration builds up to its equilibrium value for that reactor power in about 40 to 50 hours. When the reactor power is increased, 135Xe concentration initially decreases because the burn up is increased at the new higher power level. Because 95% of the 135Xe production is from decay of iodine-135, which has a 6.57 hour half-life, the production of 135Xe remains constant; at this point, the 135Xe concentration reaches a minimum. The concentration then increases to the new equilibrium level for the new power level in roughly 40 to 50 hours. During the initial 4 to 6 hours following the power change, the magnitude and the rate of change of concentration is dependent upon the initial power level and on the amount of change in power level; the 135Xe concentration change is greater for a larger change in power level. When reactor power is decreased, the process is reversed.

