SiriusXM Insight is a 24/7 Sirius XM Radio channel dedicated to public radio programming.
Prior to January 2015, the station was known as "Sirius XM Public Radio", or SXMPR. Broadcasting in stereo, Sirius XM Public Radio was one of two talk channels on the Sirius XM platform which broadcasts two-channel audio—the other being Opie Radio. Programming was provided through partnerships with American Public Media, Public Radio International, Boston's WBUR, New York's WNYC, George Washington University, and National Geographic, who own a chunk of time on the channel. XMPR also carries The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. Despite being a channel for public radio programs, the channel did not carry any programming from the nation's leading provider, National Public Radio (NPR). The NPR network currently has an exclusivity contract with Sirius XM Radio, and airs some of their programming on Sirius Channel 122; although there were, previously, two NPR channels on Sirius.
In October 2006, Public Radio International's channel on Sirius XM Radio was dropped from the channel lineup. Shortly afterwards, SXMPR responded by adding several new PRI programs to its lineup, including The World, To the Point, To the Best of Our Knowledge, Le Show, and The Changing World. There is no word on whether money exchanged hands to make this deal occur, or if it was simply Sirius' dissatisfaction in the channel and Sirius XM's attempt to capitalize on the listener base.
Public broadcasting includes radio, television and other electronic media outlets whose primary mission is public service. In much of the world, funding comes from the government, especially via annual fees charged on receivers. In the United States, public broadcasters may receive some funding from both federal and state sources, but generally most financial support comes from underwriting by foundations and businesses ranging from small shops to corporations, along with listener contributions via pledge drives. The great majority are operated as private not-for-profit corporations.
Public broadcasting may be nationally or locally operated, depending on the country and the station. In some countries, public broadcasting is run by a single organization. Other countries have multiple public broadcasting organizations operating regionally or in different languages. Historically, public broadcasting was once the dominant or only form of broadcasting in many countries (with the notable exception of the United States). Commercial broadcasting now also exists in most of these countries; the number of countries with only public broadcasting declined substantially during the latter part of the 20th century.
It seems like no one’s ever gonna be happy here
Books under your arms won’t help you now
Always on the lookout, so what’s in sight?
Another week in life goes by
He knows the sun
There goes a mind
He knows a day of another kind
He knows the sun
All is pretty, oh so pretty
This can’t possibly be the place to stay
Everyone wishes they were somewhere else
Always on the move, going nowhere
So another year in life just goes by
He knows the sun
There goes a mind
He knows a day of another kind
He knows the sun
All is pretty, oh so pretty
Caught up by the fuzz of everyday life
There goes your bus from the platform
He knows the sun
There goes a mind
He knows a day of another kind
He knows the sun
All is pretty, oh so pretty