The Wur or Wara (also known as Wur or Wara Mamund | Urdu: بڑو / وڑو مَاموند | Pashto: واړه / وړو مَاموند ), a division of Mamund (Urdu: مَاموند | Pashto: ماموند) clan - along with the Kakazai (also known as Loye Mamund (Urdu: لو ئے / لوئی مَاموند | Pashto: لوی ماموند) - are part of the larger Tarkani (Pashto: تر کا ڼي / ترکلا ڼي / ترکا نڑي, Urdu, Persian: ترکانی / ترکلانی / ترکانڑی | English spelling variants: Tarkani, Tarkalani, Tarkanri) Pashtun (پشتون / پختون) tribe who are mainly settled in Bajaur Agency, Pakistan, but originally hailed from the Laghman province (Urdu: لغمان) of Afghanistan.
They live in Umaray, Sewai, Damadola, Badan, Tani and Kamar villages of Tehsil Mamund, Bajaur Agency, Pakistan and also in Marawara and Shortan areas of Kunar Province, Afghanistan.
Tékumel is a fantasy world created by M. A. R. Barker over the course of several decades from around 1940. In this imaginary world, huge, tradition-bound empires with medieval levels of technology vie for control using magic, large standing armies, and ancient technological devices. In time, Barker created the role-playing game Empire of the Petal Throne, set in the Tékumel fictional universe, and first published in 1975 by TSR, Inc. Later, Barker wrote a series of five novels set in Tékumel, beginning with The Man of Gold, first published by DAW Books in 1984.
Barker's legendarium, like that of the better-known J. R. R. Tolkien, considered not just the creation of a fantasy world but also an in-depth development of the societies and languages of the world. In other words, the setting also provided a context for Barker's constructed languages which were developed in parallel from the mid-to-late 1940s, long before the mass-market publication of his works in roleplaying game and book form.
If you had a room, he'd paint it white,
survives the day, prefers the night,
build sight.
Got a head for figures,
no time for bickers,
(or so he says,)
prefers the company of a woman.
Finds it more physical,
(that's an important word,)
always seen first then heard,
such a rare bird.
With praise he glows,
with change he grows,
finds that important,
hates waiting, it's not stimulating,
likes celebrating,
I can't understand why that is so funny,