
Wudga (Old English: Wudga, Widia; Middle High German Witege or Witige; Gotho-Latin: Vidigoia; Proto-Germanic: *Widigaz) or Vidrik "Vidga" Verlandsson (Old Norse: Vidrīk + Viðga or Videke + Verlandsson, Vallandsson, or Villandsson) is a hero in several early Germanic legends and later Scandinavian ballads.

In Legends about Theoderic the Great, he was of Dietrich von Bern's warriors. In one of the ballads, he won particular fame in his duel with Langben Rese/Risker.

During the Middle Ages, he became the son of Wayland the Smith and Böðvildr, and this entitled him to carry a hammer and pliers in his coat of arms. Later the origin of his name "Wayland's son" was forgotten, but the fame of the character prevailed. During the 16th and the 17th centuries, this led to the idea that his name "Villandsson" referred to Villand Hundred in Skåne, and the hundred duly began to use his coat of arms as its own. Wudga wielded the sword Mimung, forged by his father, as was the helmet he wore. His mount was the stallion Schimming, one of the finest horses of its age.




by: Ataque 77

Nuestro día va a llegar, tendremos nuestra vez
no es pedir de más, quiero justicia...
Quiero trabajar en paz no es mucho lo que deseo
yo quiero trabajo honesto, en vez de esclavitud
Debe haber algún lugar donde el más fuerte, no te quiera
esclavizar... si estás sin chance
por qué tanta indiferencia se ha templado a hierro
y fuego? quién cuida las puertas de las fábricas?
el cielo era azul, más ahora es ceniza si
lo que era verde aquí ya no existe más
quién me hiciera acreditar, que ya acontece nada?
de tanto jugar con fuego, que venga el fuego ya...
ese aire dejó mi vista cansada.. y nada más.
y nada más...
