Worksheet commonly refers to a sheet of paper with questions for students and places to record answers. The term may also refer to a single array of data in spreadsheet software or an informal piece of paper that an accountant uses to record information.
The word “worksheet” is a compound noun composed of the words “work” and “sheet”. The first attested use of the word “worksheet” was around the year 1900.
In the classroom setting worksheets usually refer to a loose sheet of paper with questions or exercises for students to complete and record answers. They are used, to some degree, in most subjects, and have widespread use in the math curriculum where there are two major types. The first type of math worksheet contains a collection of similar math problems or exercises. Theses are intended to help a student become proficient in a particular mathematical skill that was taught to them in class. They are commonly given to students as homework. The second type of math worksheet is intended to introduce new topics, and are often completed in the classroom. They are made up of a progressive set of questions that leads to an understanding of the topic to be learned.