Although similar devices have been trialled in the past, there has always been a lengthy delay between a person thinking a word and it being said out loud, making it tricky to form coherent sentences.
For the research, Ann was shown sentences on a screen -- such as "You love me then" -- which she would say to herself in her mind ... It was not always accurate -- and still has a limited vocabulary of 1,024 words.
In other words, this means that the sentence will be applied even if Le Pen appeals the verdict ... The prosecutor requested the provisional enforcement of the sentence in November. In other words, if ...
...Allies of Le Pen were quick to blast the guilty verdict using words such as “judicial overreach” and “shameful.” Even some of her rivals voiced concern over the implications of the sentence.
President Trump's federal elections executive order ... Here's five things to know ... This is good policy ... That woman was found guilty in 2018 and sentenced to eight years in prison. In other words, these cases are rare, and the penalties are harsh.
"AppleIntelligence marks an extraordinary step forward for privacy in AI ... Proofread checks grammar, word choice, and sentence structure while also suggesting edits — along with explanations of the edits — that users can review or quickly accept ... .
That verb and complement, however, will inevitably be very late in coming when the subject is a longwinded noun phrase, like the 19-word and 15-word behemoths that were formed when we rendered the two sentences in the normal order.
Writing at an average of two exclamation points per sentence, the former Saturday Night Live star exults to “Critic Fans!!!!” “If you want it back, we need your help! Please like ...
But her sentence drew comparisons with a far-Right protester jailed for more than two years for spitting on and goading an officer at a demonstration ... 'The word goes out from this court – we do not want you here behaving in this way.'.
From a beginning reader’s viewpoint, the word “laugh” is just, well, laughable ... He stopped cold in his book, his finger lingering under the word, looking around for a grown-up to swoop in with the answer so he could go on to the next sentence.
... place by correctly spelling puparium, a rigid outer shell formed from the larval skin that covers some pupae, and verbigerate, the action of repeating a word or sentence endlessly and meaninglessly.
The sentences my mom is reading aloud are designed to capture and evoke the feelings behind the words, the host of individual inflections that convey what LoCascio calls our "emotional voice." ... Transcribed, her words come across as a bit generic.
High school entries must be no longer than 650 words; middle school entries must be no longer than 500 words; and elementary school entries must be at least 10 sentences.
Typically, when the words “rumor” and “Travis Kelce” are used in the same sentence, it has something to do with his relationship with Taylor Swift... Here’s a hint… it’s not Wayne’s World ... Watch On ... .