Mr. Kangjeng Raden Tumenggung Wongsonegoro (20 April 1897 – 1978) served as Minister of the Interior, Minister of Justice, and Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia. He was also Deputy Prime Minister during the First Ali Sastroamidjojo Cabinet.
Wongsonegoro was born in Surakarta, Central Java, Dutch East Indies on 20 April 1897. He was an active member of the Committee for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence in 1945. During his time on the committee, Wongsonegoro joined several other members in expressing their concern over the wording of the tenet of Pancasila; at the time, it read "Belief in the one and only God, with Muslims required to follow Sharia law". This was feared to come into conflict with adat culture and unnecessarily burden those from other religions, and was eventually changed.
Wongsonegoro's first ministerial job was as Minister of the Interior, replacing Soekiman Wirjosandjojo. He served from 4 August to 20 December 1949.
The following year he replaced Abdoel Gaffar Pringgodigdo as Minister of Justice during the Natsir Cabinet, serving from 6 September 1950 to 27 April 1951. In early February 1951 he attempted to pass legislation requiring the election of a Constituent Assembly; however, the Natsir Cabinet collapsed before the bill could be passed. Wongsonegoro himself was asked to resign by his party before the collapse. He then became Minister of Education and Culture from 27 April 1951 to 3 April 1952.