Wolf Nomads
In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, the Wolf Nomads, properly known as the Wegwiur, is a political state of the Flanaess. The name also applies to the tribes of nomadic horsemen who dwell within these lands.
The Wolf Nomads are descended from the Relentless Horde, which swept into the area around 320 CY. After the death of the Kha-Khan Ogobanuk, the Tiger Nomads split from the Horde and the Wolf Nomads came to be ruled by a ruler known as the tarkhan. Since then, the tarkhans have ruled according to the decrees set forth in the Great Yassa of Ogobanuk, which describes the traditions of illusion, leadership, and the proper way of nomadic life.
The Wolf Nomads have opposed Iuz since he first appeared on the borders of his lands. Iuz claimed the Howling Hills, where the Wolf Nomads have traditionally buried their honored dead, including Ogobanuk himself. They defeated him at the Battle of Black Water Bend just before the Greyhawk Wars, breaking the Old One's siege of Eru-Tovar. After the wars, Tang the Horrific encouraged them to invade Iuz's kingdom, and many of the cambion's nonhuman troops were slain.