"Without Fear" is a six-issue Daredevil story arc written by Ed Brubaker with art by Michael Lark and published by Marvel Comics focusing on Mr. Fear's latest attempt to ruin Daredevil's life. The arc appears in Daredevil #100-#105.
Mr. Fear resurfaces, along with the Enforcers at his side, providing the criminals of Hell's Kitchen a drug that causes the user to become psychotic and completely unafraid of death. In another attempt to make Daredevil's life miserable, Mr. Fear also gives the drug to Milla Donovan, Daredevil's wife. He is also approached by the Hood and offered a place in his criminal empire which he rejects. Meanwhile, Daredevil hunts down Mr. Fear to force him into giving him an antidote to the drug. After Daredevil tracks down and beats Mr. Fear in a one on one fight, the villain reveals that there is no antidote.
Mr. Fear eventually surrenders to the police and confesses all of his wrongdoings, which sees him being sent to Ryker's Island for imprisonment. After his imprisonment, Mr. Fear quickly rises to the top of the prison hierarchy, gaining respect and fear from prisoner and guard alike. Because his body has the gives off chemicals of pheromone scent with his Fear Toxin, so everyone (inmates and officers) does his best to please him. He knows he can get out whenever he wants to, and strike at Matt again. Matt sits alone in his room. He's being watched by the Hood. The Hood is impressed by the blow delivered by Mr. Fear, though he thinks it wise not to move things around Hell's Kitchen for a while, letting Matt delude himself thinking that at least he's accomplished one good thing out of the whole situation.
This is the first day of the rest of my life
No more will I give in to bitterness inside
I stand tall before all my enemies
My life the barricade that brings you to your knees
I stand tall before all my enemies
My life the barricade that brings you to your knees
Bleeding, falling back down in my own hell
Crawling, rising, eternity will deliver us
We will not be broken
Your dying lies undone
I will not be driven
We will not live through you, in defiance the fucking
Driving and pushing harder no remorse we will not falter
Truth will not die in vain; your lies in time will fade
Rising above deception, noose is tied time for reflection
Truth will not, die in vain; your lies in time will fade
Rising above deception, noose is tied time for reflection
Bleeding, falling back down in my own hell
Crawling, rising, eternity will deliver us
We will not be broken
Your dying lies undone
I will not be driven
This is the first day of the rest of my life