Winterreise (Winter Journey) is a song cycle for voice and piano by Franz Schubert (D. 911, published as Op. 89 in 1828), a setting of 24 poems by Wilhelm Müller. It is the second of Schubert's two great song cycles on Müller's poems, the earlier being Die schöne Müllerin (D. 795, Op. 25, 1823). Both were originally written for tenor voice but are frequently transposed to suit other vocal ranges – the precedent being established by Schubert himself. These two works have posed interpretative demands on listeners and performers due to their scale and structural coherence. Although Ludwig van Beethoven's cycle An die ferne Geliebte (To the Distant Beloved) had been published earlier, in 1816, Schubert's two cycles hold the foremost place in the history of the genre.
Winterreise was composed in two parts, each containing twelve songs, the first part in February 1827 and the second in October 1827. The two parts were also published separately, by Tobias Haslinger, the first on 14 January 1828, and the second (the proofs of which Schubert was still correcting days before his death on 19 November) on 30 December 1828. Müller, a poet, soldier, and Imperial Librarian at Dessau in Prussia (present-day east-central Germany), died in 1827 aged 33, and probably never heard the first setting of his poems in Die schöne Müllerin (1823), let alone Winterreise. Die schöne Müllerin had become central to the performing repertoire and partnership of Schubert with his friend, the baritone singer Johann Michael Vogl, who introduced Schubert and his songs into many musical households great and small in their tours through Austria during the mid-1820s.
Bubba dodged the draft in Vietnam, If Hitler was alive today he'd say, "Peace Man"
But the 60's came and the 60's went, and now Bubba is part of the Establishment
Got elected by 42%, He became the quota president
Packed the car and went to Washington D.C., He brought Al & Tipper & Hillary
{He's a taxraiser, promise breaker, adulterer, He's a draft dodger, Liberal dictator, potsmoker}
Made a lot of promises for which he is famous, Wants a gay man up the army's anus
Knows you've got money and he want's it, If air wasn't free he'd put a tax on it
Says the countries problems are ones you made, I never burned a cross or owned a slave
He's even got a man for a spouse, People are crashing planes into his house
He's got a dirty sock for a knob, Jennifer Flowers did the cleaning job
Tried to bag Ms. Paula Jones, Should have let Ted Kennedy drive her home
Other women just come naturally, Bubbas got 'em and so does Hillary
He thinks he's every woman's best, Better get that guy a Kevlar vest