This is a list of secondary characters from the science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Characters are ordered alphabetically by family name, and only characters who played a significant major role in the series are listed.
Bareil Antos was a Bajoran Vedek. He was played by Philip Anglim.
Bareil becomes romantically involved with Major Kira Nerys of the Deep Space Nine space station. He runs against Vedek Winn Adami for the role of Kai, but is forced to drop out to protect the reputation of the previous Kai, Opaka. Bareil is injured in a shuttle explosion, and Dr. Julian Bashir has to replace his failing organs with cybernetics so that he can continue to advise Winn in negotiations with the Cardassians. His continued efforts in this weakened state cause brain damage, and eventually his death.
In the mirror universe, Bareil Antos is a petty thief who is close to the alternate Kira. He leaves his universe in a foiled attempt to steal an orb.
(Ya Rasulallah...)
Kau masih tersenyum mengubat lara
Selindung derita yang kau rasa
Senyuman yang mententeramkan
Setiap insan yang kebimbangan
Hakikatnya, tak tertanggung lagi derita
Di pangkuan isterimu Humaira?
Menunggu saat ketikanya
Diangkat rohmu bertemu Yang Esa
Tangan dicelup di bejana air
Kau sapu di muka mengurangkan pedih
Beralun zikir menutur kasih
Pada umat dan akhirat
Dan tibalah waktu ajal bertamu
Penuh ketenangan jiwamu berlalu
Linangan air mata syahdu
Iringi pemergianmu
Oh sukarnya untuk umat menerima
Bahkan payah untuk Umar mempercaya
Tetapi iman merelakan jua
Bahawa manusia?kan mati akhirnya
Tak terlafaz kata mengungkap hiba
Gerhanalah seluruh semesta
Walaupun kau telah tiada
Bersemarak cintamu selamanya
Ya Rasulallah
Kau tinggalkan kami warisan yang abadi
Dan bersaksilah sesungguhnya