WinZip is a shareware file archiver and compressor for Windows, OS X, iOS and Android developed by WinZip Computing (formerly Nico Mak Computing). It can create archives in Zip file format, and unpack some other archive file formats.
WinZip 1.0 was released in April 1991 as a graphical user interface (GUI) front-end for PKZIP. Earlier in January 1991 Nico Mak Computing released a GUI front-end for OS/2 Presentation Manager called PMZIP. It used OS/2 versions of the PKWARE, Inc. PKZIP and PKUNZIP programs. Originally released on CompuServe, availability of WinZip expanded across major online services, including GEnie, Prodigy and other online services. In 1993, WinZip announced the launch of its official support for customers on the Windows Utility Forum, serving over 100,000 members, providing updates and related information. The freely downloadable WinZip soon found itself included in best-selling Windows computing titles as part of companion disks, including the all-time best-selling Windows 3.0 book, Windows Secrets, by Brian Livingston. By 1994, WinZip had become the official and required compression tool used by system operators on CompuServe for forum file libraries.
Love's just the gimmick
A mime or a mimic
That makes sex seem respectable
Make you feel more than a dream holding me
Holding me, holding me, holding me
Lips that seem so kissable
Unpermissible unzippable unzip!
Why take pleasure in censorship
Unzip! unzip! unzip!
She's vegetarian except when it comes
To sex
He's strictly ad lib
Except when he consults the text
Lips that seem so kissable
Unpermissible unzippable unzip!
You're just the captain of a sinking ship
Unzip! unzip! unzip!
Lips that seem so kissable
Unpermissable unzippable unzip!
You shoulda let your snarl, slip