Wilson, the KingCounty assessor, released a statement Tuesday, March 24 criticizing the Sound TransitBoard’s announcement March 23 that it plans to name Constantine, currently the King County executive, as the new CEO at its March 27 meeting.
“This (move) is an important step forward, strengthening our partnership with Lenoir County government to build on that success ...JenniferWilson, Lenoir County budget and management analyst, is the finance officer.
State prosecutes driver involved in deaths of Fredrick Miller, 78, and wife Edna Miler, 76, after crash on State Route 109 in WilsonCounty...Speed limit reductions were put in place for 109 in Wilson County earlier this year.
... "thoroughly and vigorously" vetted in the nominating commission process and "will be exceptionally qualified to succeed me."EvelynWilson was a ShawneeCounty judge before Supreme Court appointment.