Wighard (or Wigheard; died between 664 and 667) was a medieval Archbishop-elect of Canterbury. What little is known about him comes from 8th-century writer Bede, but inconsistencies between various works have led to confusion about the exact circumstances of Wighard's election and whether he was ever confirmed in that office. What is clear is that he died in Rome after travelling there for confirmation by the papacy of his elevation to the archbishopric. His death allowed Pope Vitalian to select the next archbishop from amongst the clergy in Rome.
Wighard was a Saxon priest during the late 7th century, and a native of Kent. He served in the household of Archbishop Deusdedit of Canterbury, and was also a priest at Canterbury. The 8th-century writer Bede says that Wighard was selected to be Archbishop of Canterbury, and that he was sent to Rome to visit Pope Vitalian for confirmation and to receive his pallium. How exactly he was selected, and when that occurred, is open to debate, as Bede himself had two different stories. The first one, related in his Historia Abbatum, stated that Wighard was selected by King Ecgberht of Kent. Fifteen years after Bede's completion of the Historia Abbatum, Bede wrote the Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, which states that Wighard was selected by Oswiu of Northumbria and Ecgberht with the consent of all the clergy and people. Some modern historians have followed Bede's second account, but others feel that only Ecgberht selected Wighard.
Hold still
Don’t move I say
Wilt thou hear
My elegy
Head high
Preserve my pride
I shall defy the gallows
I and you and me
Well we just don’t know
What love can do
I pledge to you
That I won’t deceive
The heart that’s mine
As here I sit
I vow
Your history does not
Perish my love
The shame
Will be mine for a
Scarlet woman thou art
I and you and me
Well we just don’t know
What love can do
I pledge to you
That I won’t deceive
The heart that’s mine
Dead from the grave
We’re all slaves
To what we’ve got
Is been through
The door