Wibbly Pig
Wibbly Pig is the title character of a series of picture books for babies and very young children, written and illustrated by English author and illustrator Mick Inkpen. The series includes titles such as Wibbly Pig Likes Bananas (ISBN 0-340-75740-X) and Is It Bedtime Wibbly Pig?. Like Inkpen's Kipper the Dog for slightly older readers, Wibbly Pig has been published internationally and has sold millions of copies worldwide.
The series are generally published as "board books", books with thick cardboard pages which are easier for very young children to turn and also more durable and easier to clean than normal books. Some of the Wibbly Pig books also have activity features such as flaps which can be lifted to reveal additional art.
Wibbly Pig is a favourite of pre-school children and an ideal introduction to simple ideas through intelligent yet basic text and questions.
Wibbly Pig is often accompanied by his favourite toys Pigley, Flop and Dimple. He carries a bunch of his friends he calls the "Fligley Imple".