Whitianga is the main settlement of Mercury Bay on the North Island of New Zealand. The population was 3768 in the 2006 Census, an increase of 690 from 2001. The population is now 4100 an increase of 332 since 2006.
Whitianga is located on the eastern side of the Coromandel Peninsula, 208 km from Auckland, 93 km from Thames, 42 km from Tairua. It is situated on the coast of Mercury Bay along the 5 km long east-facing Buffalo Beach. The town centre is at the southern end of the beach.
Buffalo Beach is named after the HMS Buffalo, which was wrecked during a storm while anchored in Mercury Bay. Her anchor can be seen at a monument at Buffalo Beach.
A passenger ferry crosses from Whitianga to Ferry Landing, close to Cooks Beach. The alternative to the two-minute ferry crossing is a 45-minute drive around Whitianga Harbour.
Whitianga has been continuously occupied for more than a thousand years since Māori explorer Kupe’s tribe settled here after his visit in about 950 AD. Following this visit, many of Kupe's tribe settled here. Te Whitianga o Kupe is the original place name of the town, meaning Kupe's crossing place.
[1st verse:]
In the days of fairy tales, most any wish was granted
Granted by some fairy brave
Let's suppose a fairy rose in fairy clothes from head to toes
And granted us the wish we'd crave
Would you wish for diamonds, or would you wish for pearls
Would you wish to rule the land and sea
Would you wish a crown to rest upon your golden curls?
The maiden sweetly answered 'Not for me'
I'd wish for a night in June
A silv'ry moon real soon
A moon that makes you want to spoon
And softly croon love's tune
Then a tree that I could trust
A bench that holds just two
Then I'd wish for Cupid's loving dish
And then I'd wish for you
[2nd verse:]
Why should I profess to sigh for precious pearls and diamonds
When my ev'ry sigh means you?
All the gold the world may hold its wealth untold, I would unfold
To hold a place that just holds two
Hold a place that holds a face, that holds a case of bliss
And that case of bliss would hold you too
Such a place would make me trace upon your face a kiss
The fellow answered, 'Here's just what I'd do: