When the Clouds Roll By is a 1919 American comedy film starring Douglas Fairbanks and directed by Victor Fleming and Theodore Reed. A copy of the film exists in an archive.
A man follows the advice of a "psychiatrist" who lives in a nearby apartment as he romances a woman in Greenwich Village. "Psychiatrist" Dr. Ulrich Metz attempts to drive Daniel Brown to suicide.
Fairbanks biographer Jeffrey Vance considers When the Cloud Rolls By to be the "best of all the contemporary Fairbanks comedies." "Executed at a breathless pace, When the Clouds Roll By is a masterful showpiece for the whirling cyclone of energy that was Douglas Fairbanks." Vance's highest praise is for the elaborate dream sequence, which he deems "a virtual encapsulation of every gymnastic feat in the Fairbanks repertoire" and notes that Fairbanks's walk on the ceiling of his home anticipates the celebrated "dancing on the ceiling" sequence in Stanley Donen's Royal Wedding (1951). Vance also notes that the film's flood sequence conclusion presages a similar ending in Buster Keaton's classic Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928).
WHEN THE ROLL IS CALLED UP YONDER (As recorded by Johnny Cash)
When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more,
G A7 D
And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair;
G G7 C G
When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore,
A7 G
And the roll is called up yonder, I€™ll be there.
When the roll, is called up yonder,
When the roll, is called up yonder,
G G7 C
When the roll, is called up yonder,
G D7 G
When the roll is called up yonder I€™ll be there.
Let us labour for the Master from the dawn till setting sun,
Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care;
Then when all of life is over, and our work on earth is done,
And the roll is called up yonder, I€™ll be there.