Whale vocalization

Whale sounds are used by whales for different kinds of communication.

The mechanisms used to produce sound vary from one family of cetaceans to another. Marine mammals, such as whales, dolphins, and porpoises, are much more dependent on sound for communication and sensation than are land mammals, because other senses are of limited effectiveness in water. Sight is less effective for marine mammals because of the way particulates in the ocean scatter light. Smell is also limited, as molecules diffuse more slowly in water than in air, which makes smelling less effective. However, the speed of sound is roughly four times greater in water than in the atmosphere at sea level. Because sea mammals are so dependent on hearing to communicate and feed, environmentalists and cetologists are concerned that they are being harmed by the increased ambient noise in the world's oceans caused by ships, sonar and marine seismic surveys.

The word "song" is used to describe the pattern of regular and predictable sounds made by some species of whales, notably the humpback whale. This is included with or in comparison with music, and male humpback whales have been described as "inveterate composers" of songs that are "'strikingly similar' to human musical traditions". It has been suggested that humpback songs communicate male fitness to female whales. The click sounds made by sperm whales and dolphins are not strictly song, but the clicking sequences have been suggested to be individualized rhythmic sequences that communicate the identity of a single whale to other whales in its group and allows the groups to coordinate foraging activities.

Whale Song (novel)

Whale Song is a novel by Canadian author Cheryl Kaye Tardif. Whale Song was first self-published by Trafford Publishing in 2003. In the spring of 2006, the novel was picked up by Kunati Inc. Book Publishers, a Canadian publisher with offices in Ontario, Canada, and Florida, US and this second edition was released on April 1, 2007. In 2010, Whale Song was published as a third edition by Imajin Books, in trade paperback and ebook editions.

Plot summary

Thirteen years prior to the start of the book, Sarah Richardson’s life was shattered after the assisted suicide of her mother who was battling a debillitating disease. The shocking tragedy left a grief-stricken teen-aged Sarah with partial amnesia. A familiar voice from her past sends Sarah, now a talented mid-twenties advertising executive, back to her buried past.

Torn by nightmares and visions of a yellow-eyed wolf, yet aided by the creatures of the Earth and by the killer whales that call to her in the night, Sarah's life parallels the native legends that were told to her by a wise old native grandmother. In the end, she must face her fears and uncover the truth―even if it destroys her.



Whale Song

by: Pearl Jam

The sun was in clouds. The sun looked out. Exposed a trail of mist and spouts.
Ships followed the ancient lead. Deceiving friends under the sea.
Wow, imagine that? They won't fight back. I got a theory on that.
A whale's heart is as big as a car. A whaler's thought must be smudged by the dark.
They won't fight back. I'm sure they know how. Means they love or are too proud.
They won't fight back. I'm sure they know how. Means they love or too proud.
They swim. It's really free. It's a beautiful thing to see. They sing.
Hunters of land. Hunters of sea. Exploit anything for money.
I refer to anybody that takes advantage of what that is free.
They won't fight back.
It's only a thought that makes it seem right. What you don't see is because of your sight.
Take what you want. Kill what you can. That's just one way of the mind of man.
Take their lives. Sell their parts but there is not taking of their hearts.
If I was lost at sea. That harpoon boat in front of me. It's the whale I'd like to be.
They won't fight back.
They don't know how.

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