The Wet Tropics of Queensland stretches in part from Townsville to Cooktown, running in close parallel to the Great Barrier Reef (another World Heritage Site).
The terrain is rugged. The Great Dividing Range and a number of small coastal ranges, highlands, tablelands, foothills and an escarpment dominate the landscape.
There is the wet season that runs from May to November and the dry season that covers the winter period ... The wet season in the tropical climate is like a block of ice in hot coffee and is often as regular as clockwork.
Now, the air is singing with the scent of *checks notes* old socks. Tasty. ADVERTISEMENT. That’s the seductive scent of a curious plant called Pseudohydrosme gabunensis, a tuberous geophyte that grows primarily in wet tropical places ... “PSA ... ADVERTISEMENT.
More than 230,000 households and businesses are without power and flash-flooding alerts have been issued for coastal areas in the aftermath of ex-TropicalCycloneAlfred... the aftermath of Tropical Cyclone Alfred – in pictures.
And surfaces ...Merlin is keen to tell the remarkable 5,000-year story of this fragment of Atlantic temperate rainforest – a rare habitat found in wet and mild westerly coastal regions and which is under more threat than tropical rainforests ... ....
The storm will bring an increased chance of thunderstorms Wednesday and Thursday ...Around 8 p.m ... Weather . ... When is the rain — and snow — starting in Southern California, and how wet will we get? ... Three tropical cyclones are swirling in the South Pacific.
The storm will bring an increased chance of thunderstorms Wednesday and Thursday ...Around 8 p.m ... Weather . ... When is the rain — and snow — starting in Southern California, and how wet will we get? ... Three tropical cyclones are swirling in the South Pacific.