The state is aiding the transition ... What producers are trying on the WesternSlope ... “Overall, producers in western Colorado are feeling the effects of a changing climate that includes more and extended periods of drought,” he said.
The Roaring Fork Rams dominated their schedule, finishing second in 3A WesternSlope and earning the 10 seed for the state tournament ... In early April, the Western Slope will see key rivalry matchups, ...
Mesa County boasts more medical access than most, if not all, of the WesternSlope, but there’s still room for improvement in the county’s community health ... .
Colorado lawmakers and educators from around the WesternSlope are taking a stand for public education this week — with some districts canceling classes for Thursday’s statewide day of action in Denver.
The hard work of shearing sheep was on last week at a ranch between Montrose and Olathe, where a crew of fewer than 10 shearers was harvesting the winter fleece of 4,200 animals. The shearers are paid by the animal, ... .
In February last year, the USPS held a community meeting at Colorado Mesa University and faced a negative response from communities throughout the WesternSlope.
John Whitney, senior advisor for public lands travel affairs and WesternSlope regional director for SenatorBennett’s office and LisaPool, the southwest regional director for Hickenlooper, touched ...
The measure, which passed its first committee hearing Tuesday in a 12-1 vote, has bipartisan support from lawmakers and the backing of Gov ... AdProof. WesternSlope producers partner with state to boost soil health as water scarcity challenges deepen ... .
In the worst-case scenario, the dam could crack, then ultimately fail, sending 66,000 acre-feet of water rushing down to Kremmling... the dam’s settling was no longer cause for alarm ... D.H ...WesternSlope communities also use this water ... .
How often will you see wolves? ...First is the season ... For those who hike, camp, bike, run and recreate on the WesternSlope where wildlife and predators already exist, doing so with wolves on the landscape should not change human behavior much ... .