Weregild (also spelled wergild, wergeld, weregeld, etc.), also known as "man price", was a value placed on every being and piece of property, for example in the Frankish Salic Code. If property was stolen, or someone was injured or killed, the guilty person would have to pay weregild as restitution to the victim's family or to the owner of the property.
Weregild payment was an important legal mechanism in early Germanic society; the other common form of legal reparation at this time was blood revenge. The payment was typically made to the family or to the clan.
No distinction was made between murder and manslaughter until these distinctions were instituted by the re-introduction of Roman law in the 12th century.
Payment of the weregild was gradually replaced with capital punishment, starting around the 9th century, and almost entirely by the 12th century when weregild began to cease as a practice throughout the Holy Roman Empire.
The word weregild is composed of were, meaning "man", and geld, meaning "payment or fee", as in Danegeld. Geld or Jeld was the Old English and Old Frisian word for money, and still is in Dutch, German and Afrikaans. The Danish word gæld and Norwegian gjeld both mean "debt". "-Gäld" is also a constituent of some Swedish words, having the same meaning: e.g. återgälda (retribute, return favor), gengäld (in return/exchange), vedergälda (revenge), and the formal/legal term gäldenär (geldeneer, referring to someone who is indebted).
Their honor drove them into battle
Taking the lives of the weak
K9lling for conquest and power
Life for the English was bleak
The Vikings...
Murder was handled by wergild
Death was their only holy feast
Vikings were great and fearless warriors
The bloodshed and killing would never cease
The Battle...
To die, in battle
Would send them to Valhalla
The fear, of death
Would destroy them eternally
Valhalla, was the only afterlife
Charging into battle
With no pain or life
If they died in fear
They would fall to hell
Never to fight again
Never to drink as well
The war, with the English
The dragon ship brought fear throughout the land
King Alfred, was the only hope
To free England from their bloody hand
King Alfred defeated the Vikings
He freed the English from their bloody hand
The Vikings moved on further north
To conquer a far more weaker land