Welsh Labour
Welsh Labour (Welsh: Llafur Cymru) is the part of the United Kingdom Labour Party that operates in Wales. Labour is the largest and most successful political party in modern Welsh politics, having won (with its predecessor organisations) the largest share of the vote at every UK General Election since 1922, every Welsh Assembly election since 1999, and each European Parliament election from 1979 until 2009, and from 2014 onwards
The Labour Party in Wales has 1 of 4 Welsh seats in the European Parliament, 25 of 40 Welsh seats in the UK Parliament, 30 of 60 seats in the National Assembly for Wales, and 576 of 1,264 principal local authority councillors, including overall control of 10 of 22 Welsh local authorities.
Welsh Labour is formally part of the Labour Party. It is neither separately registered with the Electoral Commission under the terms of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act, nor is it part of a federal organisation (such as the relationship between the Welsh Liberal Democrats and the Liberal Democrats, for example). As such it does not have an office of Leader. Carwyn Jones is regarded as the de facto Leader, although his constitutional position is that of Leader of the National Assembly Labour Party (NALP), analogous to the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP). As with Scottish Labour, Welsh Labour has its own General Secretary which is the administrative head of the party and is responsible for how the party is run.