The well-made play (French: la pièce bien faite, pronounced [pjɛs bjɛ̃ fɛt]) is a dramatic genre from nineteenth-century theatre that French dramatist Eugène Scribe first codified. Dramatists Victorien Sardou, Alexandre Dumas, fils, and Emile Augier wrote within the genre, each putting a distinct spin on the style. The well-made play was a popular form of entertainment. By the mid-19th century, however, it had already entered into common use as a derogatory term.Henrik Ibsen and the other realistic dramatists of the later 19th century (August Strindberg, Gerhart Hauptmann, Émile Zola, Anton Chekhov) built upon its technique of careful construction and preparation of effects in the genre problem play. "Through their example", Marvin Carlson explains, "the well-made play became and still remains the traditional model of play construction."
In the English language, that tradition found its early 20th-century codification in Britain in the form of William Archer's Play-Making: A Manual of Craftmanship (1912), and in the United States with George Pierce Baker's Dramatic Technique (1919).
Did you ever hear the story
That happened not long ago
'bout the man with a tan:
El diablo de Mexico?
And this man played his hand
And he lived by the luck of the draw;
Now and then and again,
Found him steppin' outside of the law
Hey, hey!
And his fortune he had made
let him live high on the hog
Til the day of the raid
When they hunted him like a dog.
He was out on the run,
Knowing he could get by,
'Cause the men killed in sin
were not there to testify.
Hey, hey!
He was caught, he was bound
In La Casa de Calaboose.
He was tried; he was found
And readied for the noose.
But the break he would make,
It didn't turn out so well.
And the hombre called "Diablo"