In computing, a hyperlink is a reference to data that the reader can directly follow either by clicking or by hovering. A hyperlink points to a whole document or to a specific element within a document. Hypertext is text with hyperlinks. A software system that's used for viewing and creating hypertext is a hypertext system, and to create a hyperlink is to hyperlink (or simply to link). A user following hyperlinks is said to navigate or browse the hypertext.
A hyperlink has an anchor, which is the location within a certain type of a document from which the hyperlink can be followed only from the homepage. The document containing a hyperlink is known as its source document. For example, in an online reference work such as Wikipedia, many words and terms in the text are hyperlinked to definitions of those terms. Hyperlinks are often used to implement reference mechanisms, such as tables of contents, footnotes, bibliographies, indexes, letters, and glossaries.
In some hypertext, hyperlinks can be bidirectional: they can be followed in two directions, so both ends act as anchors and as targets. More complex arrangements exist, such as many-to-many links.
I always liked to watch the weather
Hoping for some disaster
To gather us in the dark
We'd huddle up against it
It was a funny little spark
In that predictable world
Of bonehead boys and flipped out girls
I could use that familiar roster back again now
To hassle my heart
Oh to be humiliated
With such short memory
Redemption always waited
In terry cloth, under the seagrape tree
With promises that terrified me
Oh yeah
But with a smile and one tan arm around my shoulder
Politics was foreign, and sex for when you're older
Well that got better, the rest got worse
And now every horse I dream about is pulling a hearse
Well all my songs used to end the same way:
"Everything's gonna be okay"
You fuckers make that impossible to say
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Now I still watch the weather
I drag you outside when the black clouds gather
The hair stands up on your arms I know
And you run back inside calling "I told you so"
While I embarrass my family and friends
And those who just wanna wake up in dry clothes
All I can feel is the brake set to coast
Here comes the steep hill
And now down we go
Well all my songs used to end the same way:
"Everything's gonna be okay"
You fuckers make that impossible to say
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Well all my songs used to end the same way:
"Everything's gonna be okay"