Casino is a rock/alternative band consisting of Adam Zindani (vocals/guitar), Sam Yapp (drums), Jo Crofts (guitar) and Jimi Crutchley (bass guitar). The band was originally formed as Casino in 2003 and changed its name to SpiderSimpson after signing to Polydor in 2006, before reverting to the original name in late 2008 to release its first album The Spider Simpson Incident. The band has a strong and loyal cult following in its home city of Birmingham, England. The band was inactive after the departure of Deavall, who has formed a new band (The High Hurts), and with Zindani being more involved with the Stereophonics with little time left to work with Casino. Currently the band are back in business, they've signed a record deal and recently released an album on Spotify.
The band played its first home gig at The Railway music bar in Birmingham in September 2003. Soon after, they were approached to submit five songs for a film company - which later became the basis of the soundtrack for the Ultimate Pictures film, Global Heresy, starring Alicia Silverstone and Martin Clunes, ironically depicting the trials and tribulations of an up-and-coming rock'n'roll band. Over the next year, the band went on to build a loyal fan base from the roots up by gigging extensively around the U.K, including support slots with the Stereophonics, which culminated in being invited to open the Stereophonics 2005 UK tour.
The casino computer virus is a malicious virus that upon running the infected file, copies the File Allocation Tables (FATs) to random-access memory (RAM), then deletes the FAT from the hard disk. It challenges the user to a game of Jackpot of which they have 5 credits to play with, hence the name. No matter if they win or lose, the computer shuts down, thereby making them have to reinstall their DOS. The message it shows when it challenges you read(s):
The casino computer virus activates on the 15th of January, April, August.
The Casino is an IBA official cocktail made with gin, maraschino liqueur, orange bitters and fresh lemon juice.
Walk is the first album by the American singer-songwriter Andrew Peterson, released in 1996.
All songs by Andrew Peterson.
Horse gaits are the various ways in which a horse can move, either naturally or as a result of specialized training by humans.
Gaits are typically categorized into two groups: the "natural" gaits that most horses will use without special training, and the "ambling" gaits that are various smooth-riding four-beat footfall patterns that may appear naturally in some individuals, but which usually occur only in certain breeds. Special training is often required before a horse will perform an ambling gait in respond to a rider's command.
Another system of classification that applies to quadrupeds uses three categories: walking and ambling gaits, running or trotting gaits, and leaping gaits.
The British Horse Society Dressage Rules require competitors to perform four variations of the walk, six forms of the trot, five leaping gaits (all forms of the canter), halt, and rein back, but not the gallop. The British Horse Society Equitation examinations also require proficiency in the gallop as distinct from the canter.
A base on balls (BB), also known as a walk, occurs in baseball when a batter receives four pitches that the umpire calls balls, and is then entitled to reach first base without the possibility of being put out. The base on balls is defined in Section 2.00 of baseball's Official Rules, and further detail is given in 6.08(a). It is considered a faux pas for a professional player to walk to first base; the batter-runner and any advancing runners normally jog on such a play, with Pete Rose earning his nickname "Charlie Hustle" due to him running towards first on a walk.
The term "base on balls" distinguishes a walk from the other manners in which a batter can be awarded first base without liability to be put out (e.g., hit by pitch, catcher's interference). Though a base on balls, catcher interference, or a batter hit-by-a-pitched-ball (HPB) all result in the batter (and possibly runners on base) being awarded a base, the term "walk" usually refers only to a base on balls, and not the other methods of reaching base without the bat touching the ball. An important difference is that for a hit batter or catcher's interference, the ball is dead and no one may advance unless forced; the ball is live after a walk (see below for details).
I can tell by the way you walk you wanna be alone with him
'Cause you're pacing at an open door, you're waiting and you can't come in
Why do you make up all these stories
Made up your mind, decided for me
I can tell by the way you walk you wanna be alone with him
When you called me on the telephone I knew that you were miles away
'Cause the words that you said to me weren't hiding what you couldn't say
Plans sort of changed up for the weekend
Friend came to town been years since I seen him
I can tell by the way you talk you wanna be alone with him (alone with him)
(Ooh alone with him)
(Ooh alone with him)
(Ooh alone with him)
(Ooh alone with him)
He was in my dreams
What else could it mean
When you laugh at me behind my back I'll turn and you can run away
Will you tell him all the special things you told me you could never say
I never said I'd be yours only, I didn't know until you told me
If I go I won't be lonely, if I stay now you don't own me
I can tell by the way you smile your love is changing on a whim
Maybe I will and maybe I won't
Maybe I do and maybe I don't
Maybe I will and maybe I won't
Maybe I do and maybe I don't
(I can tell by the way you walk)
(Maybe I will and maybe I won't)
(I can tell by the way you walk)
(Maybe I do and maybe I don't)
(I can tell by the way you walk)
(Maybe I will and maybe I won't)