The Warpsmiths are fictional aliens in several science fiction comics by Alan Moore and Garry Leach.
Publication history
Created by Alan Moore when he was a teenager for a small publication by an arts lab in his native Northampton, England. He and artist Garry Leach expanded on the characters for the UK magazine Warrior and figuring into a fictional timeline and universe developed by Alan Moore and Steve Moore (no relation). The Warpsmiths first appeared in a Marvelman story in an issue of Warrior, set in the then-future, and subsequently appeared in a single two-part solo story before the magazine closed. As Moore continued his Marvelman story as Miracleman, the Warpsmiths became a major part of the story, with artist John Totleben illustrating the characters based on Leach's designs. In 1989, Leach began a new anthology title, A1, the first issue of which included a new Warpsmith short story written by Alan Moore.
Warpsmiths are thought to be one of the two most powerful species in their universe, due to their ability to teleport themselves or others instantaneously anywhere in the universe. The only other entity able to 'warp' is Winter, Miracleman's daughter.