Warp, warped or warping may refer to:
Warp is the third and final album from New Musik released on March 5, 1982.
All songs written by Tony Mansfield, except where noted.
Warp was a New Zealand magazine and official organ of the National Association for Science Fiction (NASF), the country's first national science fiction fan organisation.
First published in November 1977, Warp continued on a usually two-monthly schedule until the late 1990s, surviving for a short period independently after NASF went into recess. The magazine was published by Transworld. Excluding the APA Aotearapa, Warp was the first New Zealand science fiction publication to reach 100 issues, which it did in June 1995. In all, some 115 editions of Warp were produced. Its largest issues were 44 pages in length.
The location of Warp's publishing varied according to the home city of its editor, although during much of the later 1980s it was based in Christchurch, and during the early and mid 1990s it was based in Dunedin. At times the magazine's schedule was erratic, especially during the late 1980s and shortly before its demise in the late 1990s.
Originally published in A4 format, for much of its run it was A5 in size, returning to A4 shortly before its demise.
The Presence is a fictional representation of God, and is a character in comic books published by DC Comics. The character debuted in More Fun Comics #52 (February 1940), and was created by Jerry Siegel and Bernard Baily.
The presence first appears in More Fun Comics #52 as The Voice, the disembodied "Voice of the Presence" who empowers Jim Corrigan as the Spectre. It was created in this story by Jerry Siegel and Bernard Baily.
The religious cosmology of the DC Universe is complex with many pantheons of deities co-existing alongside each other. It involves elements from multiple religions, mythologies, and modern created concepts such as the Endless. It is not always clear how the Abrahamic God fits into this — for example, one particular Wonder Woman storyline by Eric Luke featured the Greek Titans fighting Judeo-Christian angels and Hindu Gods. According to writer Greg Rucka in an interview about his Final Crisis: Revelations miniseries, "The sort of unspoken rule in the DCU is that God sits above all others."
In an amplifier, a presence control boosts the upper mid-range frequencies to make the sounds of voices and instruments with similar tonal ranges seem more "present".
On television production studio's sound desk, there can be several presence controls, for several different, switchable, frequencies. There is a limit to the flexibility of such controls, and they are sometimes insufficient. If the degree of mis-match between microphones is great, simply increasing presence is not enough, and instead a sound engineer will use a graphic equalizer, sometimes several, each connected to an individual sound channel.
Presence controls can also be found on electric guitar amplifiers. The first presence control on a Fender amplifier, for example, appeared in 1954 on the Twin. In 1955 it appeared on the 1/15 Pro-Amp, the 3/10 Bandmaster, the 2/10 Super, and the 4/10 Bassman. The original Fender presence control acted upon the amplifier's negative-feedback loop. As the level of "presence" was increased, so more and more of the higher frequencies in the negative-feedback loop were dumped to ground, leaving the low and mid-range frequencies. Increasing the presence resulted in there being less and less negative feedback on high frequencies. The effect varied according to amplitude.
Immersion into virtual reality is a perception of being physically present in a non-physical world. The perception is created by surrounding the user of the VR system in images, sound or other stimuli that provide an engrossing total environment.
The name is a metaphoric use of the experience of submersion applied to representation, fiction or simulation. Immersion can also be defined as the state of consciousness where a "visitor" (Maurice Benayoun) or "immersant" (Char Davies)’s awareness of physical self is transformed by being surrounded in an artificial environment; used for describing partial or complete suspension of disbelief, enabling action or reaction to stimulations encountered in a virtual or artistic environment. The degree to which the virtual or artistic environment faithfully reproduces reality determines the degree of suspension of disbelief. The greater the suspension of disbelief, the greater the degree of presence achieved.