Warning is a 2013 Hindi thriller 3D film directed by Gurmmeet Singh and produced by Anubhav Sinha and Jitendra Jain. The film was released on 27 September 2013 and features Santosh Barmola, Suzana Rodrigues and Manjari Fadnis as main characters.
The film is a remake of the 2006 film Open Water 2: Adrift
Warning was a French hard-rock band active from 1980 until 1985. They released three albums sung in French language, their second being produced by Dieter Dierks.
Warning were a UK-based doom metal band.
Warning flagged the rise of post-2000 wave of traditional doom metal. They were formed by Patrick Walker and drummer Stuart Springthorpe in 1994 in Harlow, Essex. The band is notable for its down-tempo, progressive, melodic and heavy doom-laden sound; the idiosyncratic and poignant vocals of Patrick Walker; and his introspective, darkly-confessional lyrical themes.
The band released two demo tapes, Revelation Looms in Feb 1996 and Blessed By Sabbath in March 1997 which led them to gain underground metal press attention and label interest.
Warning debuted 1999 with The Strength To Dream on Rich Walker's Miskatonic Foundation label. With this album, Warning gained a cult status within doom metal circles, but they soon disbanded after their 2001 European tour with Jack Frost. They regrouped in 2004 to write new songs and to perform at The Doom Shall Rise festival in Germany in 2005, and released second album Watching From A Distance in 2006 to wide acclaim.
Method may refer to:
Method, Inc. is an international experience design firm with offices in San Francisco, New York, and London.
Method is an international experience design firm focused at the intersection of brand, product, and service design. Method was created in 1999 by Kevin Farnham, David Lipkin, Patrick Newbery, Mike Abbink, and Meng Mantasoot. First started in San Francisco, Method's founding principle was to use multidisciplinary, multi-platform design thinking to create beautiful and extendable solutions. Method's goal was to be quick to adapt to new technology. Method has approximately 100 employees in 3 offices located in San Francisco, New York, and London.
In 1999, the opportunity to work together with Autodesk arose, launching Method. In 2000, Method expanded and opened its New York office in order to accommodate more work. Method's earliest clients were Autodesk, Adobe Systems, Gucci, Palm, MoMA, and Macromedia.
Their international presence was established in 2008 when Method opened its London office.
In music, a method is a kind of textbook for a specified musical instrument or a selected problem of playing a certain instrument.
A method usually contains fingering charts or tablatures, etc., scales and numerous different exercises, sometimes also simple etudes, in different keys, in ascending order as to difficulty (= in methodical progression) or with a focus on isolated aspects like fluency, rhythm, dynamics, articulation and the like. Sometimes there are even recital pieces, also with accompaniment. Such methods differ from etude books in that they are meant as a linear course for a student to follow, with consistent guidance, whereas volumes of etudes are not as comprehensive.
As typical instrumental methods are meant to function as textbooks supporting an instrumental teacher (rather than to facilitate self-teaching), usually no basic or special playing techniques are covered in any depth. Detailed instructions in this respect are only found in special, autodidactical methods.