Ward is Administrative Unit in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). It is notified in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Local Government Act 2013.
Ward is same like Union Council, But Ward is new term and new demarcation by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government. While Union Councils are based upon West Pakistan Land Revenue Act, 1967 (W.P. Act No. XVII of 1967)
Ward may consist of:
Village Council is Rural places, while Neighbouhood Councils are Urban and they are near to main city or have some of characteristics of City.
Each Ward is considered to be a complete Local Government, having their own District Councilor, Tehsil Councilor, General Councilors, Peasant Councilors, Women Councilors and Youth Councilors, to represent different communities of human and to struggle for their own benefits.
In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa there are total 2996 Village Councils. and 505 Neighborhood Councils. While total amount of Union Councils is 1001.
In fortifications, a bailey or ward refers to a courtyard enclosed by a curtain wall. In particular, an early type of European castle was known as a Motte-and-bailey. Castles can have more than one ward. Their layout depends both on the local topography and the level of fortification technology employed, ranging from simple enclosures to elaborate concentric defences. In addition to the gradual evolution of more complex castle plans, there are also significant differences in regional traditions of military architecture regarding the subdivision into wards.
Wards can be arranged in sequence along a hill (as in a spur castle), giving an upper ward and lower ward. They can also be nested one inside the other, as in a concentric castle, giving an outer ward and inner ward. On the other hand, Tower houses lack an enclosed ward.
The most important and prestigious buildings, such as the great hall and the keep or bergfried, were usually located in the inner ward of the castle. Nonetheless, there are a few castles where the keep is outside the inner ward, such as Château de Dourdan and Flint Castle. Lower or outer wards often held less important structures, such as stables, if there was not enough space in the inner ward. Outer wards could also be largely defensive in function, without significant buildings. In the concentric castles of the military orders, such as Krak des Chevaliers or Belvoir, the inner ward resembled a cloistered monastery, while the outer ward was little more than a narrow passage between the concentric enceintes. In general, wards could have any shape, including irregular or elongated ones, when the walls followed the contour lines of the terrain where the castle was sited. Rectangular shapes are very common (as in castra and quadrangular castles).
A ward is a local authority area, typically used for electoral purposes. Wards are usually named after neighbourhoods, thoroughfares, parishes, landmarks, geographical features and in some cases historical figures connected to the area. It is common in the United States for wards to simply be numbered.
In Australia, Canada, Monaco, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States, and they are an electoral district within a district or municipality, used in local government elections. In the United States, wards are usually subdivided into precincts for polling purposes.
In the Republic of Ireland, urban Wards and rural District Electoral Divisions were renamed Electoral Divisions in 1994. The electoral districts for local authorities are often popularly called "wards". These consist of multiple electoral divisions, and are officially called "local electoral areas".
In the case of a municipal amalgamation, the former cities and towns that make up the new metropolis may be referred to as wards.
Ward are an electronica duo consisting of David Meme and Richard Williams
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