Walter Owen (1884–1953) was a Scottish translator transplanted to the Argentine Pampas. His career is an excellent example of how the translator can open up a key aspect of a culture to readers in another language. Born in Glasgow, he spent much of his boyhood in Montevideo and as an adult returned to the River Plate area to work as a stockbroker. He thus had the opportunity to become bicultural as well as bilingual, and applied his skill to the translation into English of the major epic poems of the Southern part of South America. In so doing his objective was not simply esthetic, but cultural and even political in terms of bringing closer together the English-speaking peoples and those of Latin America. As he put it, he hoped that his work "in its modest way may advance between peoples of different speech, the friendly interchange of thought and feeling which is the foundation of mutual esteem and the surest establishment for good fellowship. To have done so is the best reward of the translator."
Wilder Wein - vor deinem Schloss
Wilder Wein - ich bin bereit
man meldet Ankunft - nur fur den Konig
Gott steh mir bei - und offne deine Tore
Wilder Wein - und ganz langsam
Wilder Wein - so warm und feucht
Wilder Wein - vor deinem Schoss
Wilder Wein - es steht geschrieben
tief im Wasser - kreuzt man nicht
doch meine Lust - verlacht die Flugel
Wilder Wein - wie eine Taube
Wilder Wein - so nass und heiss
Wilder Wein - vor diesem Dunkel
Wilder Wein - von Licht geheilt
es bleibt verborgen - sonst konnten wir uns wehren
ich warte auf dich - am Ende der Nacht
Wilder Wein - nur eine Traube
Wilder Wein - und bitter wie Schnee