False or falsehood may refer to:
False is the second studio album by the death metal band Gorefest. It was released in 1992 on Nuclear Blast Records.
In logic, false or untrue is a truth value or a nullary logical connective. In a truth-functional system of propositional logic it is one of two postulated truth values, along with its negation, truth. Usual notations of the false are 0 (especially in Boolean logic and computer science), O (in prefix notation, Opq), and the up tack symbol ⊥.
Another approach is used for several formal theories (for example, intuitionistic propositional calculus) where the false is a propositional constant (i.e. a nullary connective) ⊥, the truth value of this constant being always false in the sense above.
Boolean logic defines the false in both senses mentioned above: "0" is a propositional constant, whose value by definition is 0. In a classical propositional calculus, depending on the chosen set of fundamental connectives, the false may or may not have a dedicated symbol. Such formulas as p ∧ ¬p and ¬(p → p) may be used instead.
In both systems the negation of the truth gives false. The negation of false is equivalent to the truth not only in classical logic and Boolean logic, but also in most other logical systems, as explained below.
Old fools, dancing
Old fools who believe
That they can dance and sing
And fall in love
after all: love?
Old wines, old shoes
Old lines who'd have thought
they would ever reuse
like, I love you
Surprise! I love you
Flowers, long drive
Old fools, new lives
Old fools, dancing
Old rules take the backseat to
new romancing
Long drives, flowers