Waking Life is a 2001 American adult animated docufiction/drama film, directed by Richard Linklater. Distributed by Fox Searchlight Pictures, it is the first (and currently only) animated film released by Fox Searchlight Pictures. The film explores a wide range of philosophical issues including the nature of reality, dreams, consciousness, the meaning of life, free will, and existentialism.Waking Life is centered on a young man who wanders through a variety of dream-like realities wherein he encounters numerous individuals who willingly engage in insightful philosophical discussions. Many questions are posed by the film: How can a person distinguish their dream life from their waking life? Do dreams have any sort of hidden significance or purpose?
The film was entirely rotoscoped, although it was shot using digital video of live actors with a team of artists drawing stylized lines and colors over each frame with computers, rather than being filmed and traced onto cells on a light box. The film contains several parallels to Linklater's 1991 film Slacker. Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy reprise their characters from Before Sunrise in one scene.Waking Life premiered at the 2001 Sundance Film Festival.
[Chorus] x2
This is the real life this ain't no joke people stay on the street can't afford homes they can't control they actions can't get satifactions but when they finish they don't know what they been asking.
[Verse 1]
With the lack of monie people can't do the things to get what they want can't afford things they should've been good hope they understund but that what it is like in the hood they don't have the money to get the honey to get what they want is just so not funny
[Chorus] x2
This is the real life this ain't no joke people stay on the streets can't afford homes they can't control; they actions can't get satifactions to get what they want they don't know what they asking
[Verse 2]
Teens having kids and having sex they try to be so grown but they don't kno nothing yet doing dumb things going to jail trien to be so cool they gonna be living like hell they don't have the money to get the honey to get what they want is just so not funny
[Chorus] x2
This is the real life this ain't no joke people stay on the streets can't afford homes they can't control they actions can't get satifactions to get what they want they don't know what been happeining
The real life is here that's the deal what you feel that's yo deal this is the true your life have flu but it's not cool when your life wuz through
[Chorus] x2