Waheguru (Punjabi: vāhigurū) is a term most often used in Sikhism to refer to God, the Supreme Being or the creator of all. It means "Wonderful Teacher" in the Punjabi language, but in this case is used to refer to God. Vāhi (a Middle Persian borrowing) means "wonderful" and guru (Sanskrit: guru) is a term denoting "teacher". Waheguru is also described by some as an experience of ecstasy which is beyond all descriptions.
The most common usage of the word "Waheguru" is in the greeting Sikhs use with each other:
Usage in Sikh scripture
"Waheguru" (Vaheguru) and its variant "Vahiguru" appear 16 times in Guru Granth Sahib. Vahiguru occurs twice on Ang 1403 and once on Ang 1404. Other words used in the Guru Granth Sahib to refer to God are: Onkar, Satguru ("true teacher"), Satnaam ("true name"),Rama, Rahman, Purushah, Allah, Khuda among others.