Waagner-Biro is a Vienna, Austria-based corporation which owns companies in steel and mechanical engineering. It has about 1000 employees in 14 locations in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
Waagner Biro Stahlbau Group has divisions in steel and glass engineering and bridge construction.
Waagner-Biro Stage Systems Group is a major manufacturer of stage equipment.
Waagner-Biro Gulf deals with infrastructure.
Qualter, Hall & Co Ltd. builds bridges and also deals with mechanical engineering and contract manufacturing.
On October 16, 1854, the Vienna city magistrate granted Rudolph Philipp Waagner an "Iron trade authorisation". That same year, Anton Biró and Albert Milde & Co. merged. The company first used the name Waagner-Biro in 1924.
In 1906, the company provided the Vienna State Opera with stage equipment. Forty years later, the company rebuilt the opera house's roof. Other roof projects include Vienna's Stephansdom in 1948, the Munich Olympic facilities in 1969, the Prater Stadium in Vienna in 1985, and the Reichstag dome in Berlin, for which the company won a European Steel Design award in 1999. Waagner-Biro won another award in 2003 for the British Museum's Queen Elizabeth II Great Court.